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  1. M

    Wierd lookin weed plant...Can anyone help??? if i top the two main ones then i would have four main tops...right
  2. M

    Wierd lookin weed plant...Can anyone help???

    well mine is female but i hope yours is ha...
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    Wierd lookin weed plant...Can anyone help???

    I agree with that. Mine actually wont die unless i burn them. I burried three males, 24" under native soil and three weeks those fuckers grew back through. Ill let you know how mine does(west coast, sunny 80 degrees) and hopefully it is female. Respect
  4. M

    How do you keep your mothers? (poll)

    Soil...Ha like everybody
  5. M

    Wierd lookin weed plant...Can anyone help??? thats got to be it man. But i did not top mine and look at it...Crazy or what
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    Wierd lookin weed plant...Can anyone help???

    AHHH dude...i hade that same looking plant! Well looked like it. It actually stoped growing then started again with two tops. I didnt chop it or pich it, it did it all by itself. It looks like it split and those will be the two main tops. Get ready for two big fire turds. Here is mine...
  7. M

    Did i kill my seeds?

    If your seeds are bomb then should be no prob, keep it moist like they said. Did your seeds pop lil white tails? I have tried direct light after germination and planting; and also no light until sprout after germination. I have had success both ways...Is there a "better" way? Keep o2 flowing...
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    Tell Me, Should I Clone NOW??!!

    yup yup true that. whatever you need to do to get that greenhouse effect
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    Tell Me, Should I Clone NOW??!!

    I have a 40 watt cfl light two of my clone domes. I honestly would do both ways and experiment. I have done both and have success both ways. Just remember to give them time as they are babies and take little while to develop. Spray underside of leafs. I have also cloned straight into dirt with...
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    Tell Me, Should I Clone NOW??!!

    Hey man. Uhhh i love to clone and have a few mothers of my own. Yea she is ready for one or two cuttings. I like to let my moms fill out a little before i cut so i can take like 10-12 per mom.You prolly know that she will be a little shocked from the cuts but will grow back more bushy for more...
  11. M

    Closet setup could use some advice

    Hey man. I do more soil grows than hydro grows, but i would also lower ppm for a while and bump slowly. My first grow estimate was off, lower than i thought. 5' 11 is a good height. Hard to guess weight, 1-2-3 o. per plant. Just dont worry to much you take care of your ladies and they will be...
  12. M anyone ordered lateley?

    Hemcy seed co. discreat shipping 12 days and awsome results. shipped to the states. good luck
  13. M

    Grandmas Back with garden pics

    No neighbors...i have horses chickens and dogs. there is enough camo in the manure pile.
  14. M

    First time post

    guess not thanks for the info
  15. M

    Grandmas Back with garden pics

    Couple more for ya... Super cropping done and FIM experiment...worked. Experimental potting technique. Two new babies sour d and grapefruit diesel getting acclimated. Will be in ground in one week. Indoor, 12/12 now. sexing true blue berry and flowering silver and strawberry moms, after...
  16. M

    Grandmas Back with garden pics

    OOOOOOOWEEEEE Granny's got a green thumb... Purple head knock(harvest and re-veg) white widdow green crack grapefruit kush sour diesel sour grapefruit diesel strawberry cough grand daddy purps super silver super b trainwreck Ill keep you all updated...Pics are week and half old.
  17. M

    Grandmas Crafty (pics)

    Sorry, Nitrozime was only foliar, (lots of early foliar spray i think was the trick)
  18. M

    Grandmas Crafty (pics)

    Thanks Angus I just like getting other opinions and other growers experience. Plants were only fed veg nuts. and green algae sup. (Nitrozime). Herb was tastey for no flower nut. They realy are weeds i have realized Respect
  19. M

    Grandmas Crafty (pics)

    Whats up RIU... My PHK (Purple Head Knock) have been in the ground since mid february(west coast) Storms and cloudes forced flower and they have budded and revegged. The buds are done and have been pulled. 3.5 o. so far of two plants. They have doubled in size since mini harvest. New veg...
  20. M

    First time post

    Whats up all. First time posting in RIU. Ol grandmas got a garden...Had a question for ya. Put 3 PHK(purple Head Knock) in ground mid- February. West coast. Storms and clouds forced flower. Plant has reveged and has massive bud growth. I checked the trichomes and the nugs are done. I pulled...