Grandmas Crafty (pics)

Whats up RIU...

My PHK (Purple Head Knock) have been in the ground since mid february(west coast) Storms and cloudes forced flower and they have budded and revegged. The buds are done and have been pulled. 3.5 o. so far of two plants. They have doubled in size since mini harvest. New veg growth and buds.

Any downfalls to putting out super early and getting a couple harvest off a plant?

Thanks and Respect



Well-Known Member
You lucky grandma!

I want two harvests!

If they re-veg and start putting off healthy growth again, then I can't see any problems.
Thanks Angus

I just like getting other opinions and other growers experience.

Plants were only fed veg nuts. and green algae sup. (Nitrozime). Herb was tastey for no flower nut.

They realy are weeds i have realized
