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  1. Bomixius


    Yes because it was found by topping wrong. Well I topped wrong and got nothing new out of it.
  2. Bomixius

    What seeds for RSO?

    Provolone is right, and being generous. You need to consider that 300$ will cover maybe the light and inline. Your American, you luck out. Your tent is going to be around 150-300 depending on quality and size. You might be able to buy a total used package for 300-500, but that's used and risky.
  3. Bomixius

    400 watt HPS sog yields?

    Going from 1ltr, to 1 gal, will not increase your yield. Your veg time has to increase to increase plant size. I could be off my mark but if your not locking out your roots in a 1ltr, then a 1 gal could stunt your growth if you aren't allowing the plant to veg long enough to build a proper...
  4. Bomixius


    I'm not going to play anymore, next time I'll stick to topping, and top it a couple times early on. It is pretty bushy already, so I'll leave it
  5. Bomixius


    Ya if it doesn't take, and after I looked today, I don't think it did, I'm Just going to leave it, it is pretty bushy and has lots of spots for bud sites. I'm just looking to dial in my setup with this one girl of floorboard seed, before I put 3 or 4 girls of good genetics in the space.
  6. Bomixius

    UPGRADE from CFL to 400W HPS

    Like I said, before any girls get sent to heat torture, put the light to work and get some Temps in the situation it will be in, then you know
  7. Bomixius


    I use t5 HO for veg, and I am loving it. Temps stay at a perfect level, you can drop it down right onto your girls and no burn. Also, it gives you super tight node spacing. I haven't tried for flower, but I have a 400w hps for that
  8. Bomixius

    UPGRADE from CFL to 400W HPS

    That could work, just need to allow for air to flow from the front somehow
  9. Bomixius

    question about ventilation and carbon filtering

    So you don't need to buy the extra pieces but running it as an air cooled hood will help a lot. You will need an intake and exhaust line just for the light, with an in line fan to blow air across the hood, people say blowing across the hood helps keep it cooler, makes sense to me. As apposed...
  10. Bomixius

    UPGRADE from CFL to 400W HPS

    I just looked at the pics again and if I were you, I would take it apart, use the reflector in there and mount the bulb vertical through the top of the reflector(need some drilling) , and wire the socket with a decent length of line and keep the rest of the unit to hold the ballast, and...
  11. Bomixius

    UPGRADE from CFL to 400W HPS

    So the biggest problem is 2 fold. 1. That's not a grow light exactly, so hopefully that glass cover is not too thick or coated with anything that would take away from the effectiveness of the bulb. Sealed grow lights use glass that will allow for the most amount of spectrum and light pass...
  12. Bomixius


    I thought fiming was at 80%, I've topped before, I didn't want to go too low, but I think I'm going to have at least 4 tops, but won't know till it grows more, but it has started growing. Here she is tonight, so 2 days, and I think I see 6 tops, but I don't know still.
  13. Bomixius


    We will see, hopefully it worked, it I just typed it, I'll be fine with that, but prefer more mains then 2
  14. Bomixius

    Best Way To Seal An Interior Door

    An exterior door only works because of a large door jam. The piece runs around sides and top, creats an air/light tight space. Some cheaper doors, or older doors may have shifty jam, and you could easy increase the jam size, or find a door jam seal, it usually comes in a roll, and is foam...
  15. Bomixius


    Here is the new growth, 24 hrs later, and here is the whole plant today.
  16. Bomixius


    Did I go down enough for fiming?
  17. Bomixius

    Rx Cannabis Monsanto GMO Pharmaceutical

    They already have there hands in on it with synthetic thc, or maybe synthetic cbd. They are pharmaceutical companies, they always win.
  18. Bomixius

    lets play the "yeild game"

    I choose "1$" Bob.
  19. Bomixius

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    We have had cool Temps here at night in Canada already, down around 7-9°c and my girls outside have done fine. I wouldn't recommend the cold too much, but as long as they don't get too much frost they will still do OK, so 17°c is nothing to worry about in my opinion, but at the same time...
  20. Bomixius

    Seedling to Veg

    Here she is 18 days from germination. I just fimmed her, my first time fiming, I've only ever topped before, so I hope I got the right spot.