400 watt HPS sog yields?

Hey gang, I am making the switch from CFLs to HPS, I currently run a Dr. Bud style perpetual SOG with CFLs. I've gotten great yields off this system and as I make the transition into better lighting, I would like to keep a similar system but with bigger plants.
What I plan is:
Strains: Grape Ape, Pure Power Plant, Northern Lights
12x1 gallon smart pots
,organic soil supplemented with Earth Juice teas,
perpetually harvesting 4 plants every 25 days.

I'm pretty good at keeping a consistent system, as I've done the 3 groups of plants harvesting one every 25 days for the last 15 months or so. Anyway, I am currently getting about 7-10 grams off 1 liter containers. I am hoping to get around an ounce per plant with 1 gallons, but I have no way of knowing if that is an attainable goal. With a 400 watt HPS supplemented with about 100 watts CFLs for side lighting, is this possible? I have looked and looked for a grow journal that does a SOG with 1 gallons under similar lighting but I can't find much. Basically I am looking for someone with experience to tell me (or ideally, prove to me empirically) if my goals are too high, or are realistically attainable.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to know what people are getting regardless of all our different styles and strains.

Post you average per Sq foot recent yeild .

My 4x4 tent was 48.76 grams/Sqft


On my first grow in my 4x4 tent with a 400w hps I got 5 1/2 ounces of 2 plants. 1 plant was 4ounces and the other was 1 1/2. I was using 5 gallon buckets (sorry not 1gallon) but just trying to give you an idea. I'm starting on my second grow soonIMG_4335.jpg
Good looking crop! Especially for a 1st one. DWC buckets are the shit; however, I am, and probably will always be a soil man. I just love getting my hands in the dirt, ya know?

Here's my logic: If I am getting between 7-10 grams per plant off a 1 liter container under CFLS, If I triple the size of the pot, I should, theoretically, tripple the yiled? Adding the HPS over the CFLs will certainly help too. Is my logic flawed?


Well-Known Member
Hey gang, I am making the switch from CFLs to HPS, I currently run a Dr. Bud style perpetual SOG with CFLs. I've gotten great yields off this system and as I make the transition into better lighting, I would like to keep a similar system but with bigger plants.
What I plan is:
Strains: Grape Ape, Pure Power Plant, Northern Lights
12x1 gallon smart pots
,organic soil supplemented with Earth Juice teas,
perpetually harvesting 4 plants every 25 days.

I'm pretty good at keeping a consistent system, as I've done the 3 groups of plants harvesting one every 25 days for the last 15 months or so. Anyway, I am currently getting about 7-10 grams off 1 liter containers. I am hoping to get around an ounce per plant with 1 gallons, but I have no way of knowing if that is an attainable goal. With a 400 watt HPS supplemented with about 100 watts CFLs for side lighting, is this possible? I have looked and looked for a grow journal that does a SOG with 1 gallons under similar lighting but I can't find much. Basically I am looking for someone with experience to tell me (or ideally, prove to me empirically) if my goals are too high, or are realistically attainable.
You are probably looking at 0.5-1 oz a plant in 1 gallon pots


Well-Known Member
i have a 2x2 tent with a 400w hps and i think i will yield atleast 6 oz. tjis is with 2 plants in a tiny space. with 12 plants and enough space i could easily yield a half lb per cucle.


Well-Known Member
You will probably get 3/4th-1 ounce per plant....I am curious though. You say SOG, but if you are throwing clones into flower right after they root in a Doc Bud manner, 1 gallon is a waste of space. Why not use 2 liters and get 10-14 grams and put 4 per sq foot? In a 2x2 with single cola style you could theoretically yield 160 grams and get two harvests per 1 normal grow cycle. That would be more along the lines of DocBud. He also used Hempy, which is a GREAT choice for SOG.
I don't want to mess with that many plants anymore. I am gonna veg them for about a week or so, depending on strain, which I do with the 1 liters anyway. I am gonna do some two liters just to try them but I don't want to water them that frequently, to be honest. I want to stay in organic soil, but Hempy is really cool and I have seen great results. If i can get the 3/4-1oz per plant I will be happy. I might do a few strains (like the high yielding PPP) in 2 liters and keep my NL and grape ape in 1 gallons.


Active Member
Going from 1ltr, to 1 gal, will not increase your yield. Your veg time has to increase to increase plant size.

I could be off my mark but if your not locking out your roots in a 1ltr, then a 1 gal could stunt your growth if you aren't allowing the plant to veg long enough to build a proper root ball in the 1gal.


Good looking crop! Especially for a 1st one. DWC buckets are the shit; however, I am, and probably will always be a soil man. I just love getting my hands in the dirt, ya know?

Here's my logic: If I am getting between 7-10 grams per plant off a 1 liter container under CFLS, If I triple the size of the pot, I should, theoretically, tripple the yiled? Adding the HPS over the CFLs will certainly help too. Is my logic flawed?
Thanks man.

I know its not what you want to hear but like an above post said you'll have to increase your bucket size and veg time to have a more noticeable yield gain. With you being on a cycle where you veg every 25 days increasing your veg time could be a headache. How long do you usually veg for?


Well-Known Member
You veg for a WEEK IN 1 LITERS? Jeez, you must be getting g root bound EVERYTIME! If you are doing anything less than 1 gallon, just put the clones straight into flower as soon as they show root. I do, and by week 2 they have filled up the space.

Edit* but yeah like they said above me^ you will notnses increased yield if you do not veg for longer. Pot size and veg time go hand in hand really
I guess I should have been more specific. On some strains in 1 liters I veg for up to a week, others I just give them a few days. It just depends on the height of the cut when I flower. With the 1 gallons I do plan on a longer veg time (I have started taking cuts earlier to account for the extra time). In any case, I do plan on a longer veg time for the 1 gallons as opposed to the 1 liters. I don't know if I am rootbound or not, I get decent yields off it but I did notice a drop from the 2 liter to the 1 liter in terms of yield, I could just fit more plants in the cabinet I was using at the time. Since I've got more space I've been doing 2 liters again and They've been doing well, Haven't chopped any yet so can't compare for sure though.

For NL and Grape Ape I veg for about a week (until they're about 6 inches in height) and then flip them. I've been trying to let my bonsai mums grow bigger to get bigger clones so I can cut down on the veg time.

For Blue Mystic (phasing this strain out) and PPP I veg for about 3-5 days, and flower at 4 inches. (this is all under 400 watts CFLs)

I plan on doing about a week veg for PPP and 7-10 days for NL and GA once I get the HPS going and I start doing everything in 1 gallons.


Well-Known Member
around 6 zips for the SoG in 5.5 inch containers 12/12 from seed. and around 7 zips for 3 plants in 3-5 gallon containers 4 week veg from seed.