UPGRADE from CFL to 400W HPS


Active Member
Well, I'm updating the flower room, originally Im only using 4 55W 2700K bulbs in the flower room. tuesday ill be purchasing this. Now, the question is; how in the hell will I keep that cool? Also, will my plants be able to handle the transition of close to 8K lumens to 55K? Lol I am BEYOND EXCITED.


Active Member
Lol, I know it. This is big. Ive been running a DWC in veg and it will be my first grow under that HPS........

Gotta make sure shes female though, pulled two nannaers off some choco, and got two seeds. hope ones female!

5 Gal DWC Chocolope. Oh. my. god. I feel like I just became a man.


Active Member
So, with no avail Im resurrecting this thread, and adding... anyone have any ideas to mount this big SOB in the air so I can grow!?


Well-Known Member
If I were you I would start out with the HPS about 24" above your plants and check on them over the course of a couple of days every few hours. If they do not show any stress after the first few hours then lower a couple of inches....etc....for a couple of days until you reach the nominal height (I grow with LED so HPS and MH nominal heights are foreign to me).

Granted, some plants do not respond very quickly which is why I suggest checking every few hours.

As far as hanging it, dunno because your pic only shows the front view.
I have to ask though, why would you not just buy a housing made for growing? They are cheap as shit nowadays.
Your inquiry as to cooling/venting...that is a great question and one that should be figured out before purchase, IMO.
But, we are all on our own adventure and this is obviously part of yours.

Have fun.


Active Member
If I were you I would start out with the HPS about 24" above your plants and check on them over the course of a couple of days every few hours. If they do not show any stress after the first few hours then lower a couple of inches....etc....for a couple of days until you reach the nominal height (I grow with LED so HPS and MH nominal heights are foreign to me).

Granted, some plants do not respond very quickly which is why I suggest checking every few hours.

As far as hanging it, dunno because your pic only shows the front view.
I have to ask though, why would you not just buy a housing made for growing? They are cheap as shit nowadays.
Your inquiry as to cooling/venting...that is a great question and one that should be figured out before purchase, IMO.
But, we are all on our own adventure and this is obviously part of yours.

Have fun.
Yes I like to put a lot of planning in to my builds, however.. I got this for 50 dollars. I had about a day to jump on it, so now I am wondering whats next? frame a light stand? Or attempt to hang it in my closet via hooks. This is a 400W HPS, ballast, everything wired in. thing is solid metal. Vertical grow anyone?


Well-Known Member
My only input would be to use the bracket that it has. IF it will tighten enough to keep it in a "level hang" just attach a chain to the hole that the bolt is currently residing in and hang it from your ceiling. The only prob I can potentially see is that your height clearance will be degraded due to the fact that the bracket is so large.

If this were mine and I was trying to make it work I would ditch the bracket and get a couple of pieces of metal with two holes in it with enough clearance to surpass the depth of the house and attach chain.

Center gravity is key regardless of your path.


Active Member
That was my first thought too, however; the bracket is too far off from what would be the center. Maybe if I drill a hole and put a nut and bolt, and attach a rope of some sort to level it out... Hmm. Maybe just frame in a light stand? worse case scenario I guess I could do that.


Active Member
Ahhhh... I am following you. Dude... thanks. I locked the bracket in place, and have to find what kind of material I will use to hang it with. Since im in a closet big enough for two plants im thinking ill hang this right in the middle. And before I can even think of hanging it, I am looking at some serious heat issues with this powerful of a bulb in such a small space. If I can nail down the heat might just get craaaazy. I will prolly get a metal hole saw and cut some kind of port on the backside of the hood behind the reflector to attach some kind of ducting. Once I can safely remove the heat from my home or from that room rather; I think Ill have a decent setup. If I could come by some cheap lumber Ill build a room within my room to house all of this. i think thats the long term goal as for now, SEE WHAT SHE CAN DO! I have 5 or so weeks left on my CFL flower, but id like to introduce her. Think ill get away with just blowing a bunch of fans at her?

Cant wait till the weekend. Trial run to see what the heat is like. Ill document all changes in temp and RH, and hopefully my grow will continue to become more and more professional!!!!


Well-Known Member
i been looking into getting a indoor setup just gonna start simple since i have never grew indoors..i have grew outdoors 15+ years with many successful harvests..so i can use CFLS all the way thur from germination to flower? i have a walk-in closet that i will be useing..i found a tent on wormsway.com but all that shit looks complicated to me...

that big light u have is huge..if that is like a flood light i doubt u will get away with just a few fans a small window Ac would be more realistic lol...gl with it tho man i bet once u do get it sorted u will have some dank buds coming from that monster above


Active Member
Yessir you can! Its ideal to use some (2 or 3 for one or two seedlings or clones) 23 watt or so 6500k cfls. As the plants get to be larger, mine were 2 foot wide when I began adding more bulbs. And that was because I made a fixture. Keep it simple about 4 bulbs. But when you flower... I reccommend 4 55w cfls. At least. Keep a fan on the bulbs, and your plants can be inches away. ( they need to be within 5), I keep mine 3/4" to 4" away.) Search the forums... just dont feel inclined to get a load of bulbs. Try a few and get a feel!

Back to topic.. the hood is enclosed. So controlling temps may not be too awful hard...


Well-Known Member
The hood is enclosed but is it air cooled? I suspect you will be having some temp issues soon.


Active Member
So the biggest problem is 2 fold.
1. That's not a grow light exactly, so hopefully that glass cover is not too thick or coated with anything that would take away from the effectiveness of the bulb. Sealed grow lights use glass that will allow for the most amount of spectrum and light pass through without loss, but, there is still loss as apposed to open reflectors.

The second problem is that usually one of the reason people try to keep ballasts out of the room or as high up in the room as possible, is because they create a lot of heat as well. It's not just heat from the bulb, that whole unit will emit a lot of heat because the ballast is attached to the socket unit.

As for mounting, I would take the unit apart, and see what your able to do. Judging by the coating of that light and the colour, it's old-school and the case is probably cast. It weighs a ton. I would drill through the case from the inside out of course and rig up 4 "eye" bolts, in each corner and run 2 lines to the ceiling.

Oh yes and I was just thinking, that shape and material of the unit might cause heat to be projected down at your plant, I guess it all depends on the path of least resistance for the heat to escape.

I would also try running it for a couple hours before you put it over your girls and do some heat checks, use your hands and measure how far away you can be and what kind of Temps it gives off. No need to fry your girls because the beast is just not meant for this application.

All in all, good luck. I use a 4' 4 bulb HO t5 to veg and it's doing awesome. I'll be tossing the 400w hps with a 24" batwing up in 2 weeks for the flowering cycle.


Active Member
I just looked at the pics again and if I were you, I would take it apart, use the reflector in there and mount the bulb vertical through the top of the reflector(need some drilling) , and wire the socket with a decent length of line and keep the rest of the unit to hold the ballast, and mount it outside the room just to help keep heat down. I'm handy like that so for me it's a no brainer, but it's not maybe the best idea for everyone.


Active Member
Hmm... ive taken her apart and im thinking im gonna cut a hole in the back of the unit. If you look at the pictures there a circular indention on the back (top when hung) im thinking of cutting that out and running some kind of exhause ftom it. Because the unit is sealed id like to use the whole thing as a cool tube