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  1. S

    Meridian Black Strap molasses with grow and bloom nutes?

    Hi guys, I found a bit of info on molasses but nothing specific to my grow.. Just wanted to know if its ok to mix my blackstrap meridian molasses with my current feed? my plants are in end of week 3 of flowering. at the moment the feed is: -2ml biobizz grow / litre -3ml biobizz bloom &...
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    trimming/prunning my plants for maximum yield?

    yes that's what i've done with one of them, but what i was asking is mroe to do witht the other thin and tall plants...since i've already put them into 12/12, toping the heads is usless because nothing will grow out in time... what i wanted to know is whether i should chop some fan leaves/stalks...
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    trimming/prunning my plants for maximum yield?

    Hi All, I'v been growing for a while but i usually pinch the top bits of plants until they go crazy with nodes and branches. This time around i'm growing arjan's strawberry haze and i've let the plant grow naturally (except one that i trimmed like i used to). I was wondering if by looking at...
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    interesting... definitely a possibility as i've reused this allmix from my last grow. I did however get rid of the to layer, and then mix in a tiny bit of bat guana high with N, some worm humus, and some standard growing soil with peat. i didnt feed it any guano apart from that tiny bit in...
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    soil was fine to begin with as im using biobizz all mix. my water usually ranges between 6.1-6.6 when i feed the plant... really not sure what happened to those 2 plants as the rest are fine. Almost makes sense that its not Mg and just foliar feed burn, as I might have used the mg spray and...
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    good point mate, i was about to put that in :) the run off water ph on one of them came up to 7.4 which didnt seem right at all.... would you suggest to flush? am i correct to say that ph of runoff water should be around 6.2-6.5 in soil?
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    a handful to what a us galon / british galon/ litre?
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    thanks for that but i already stated that i sprayed the plant and it didnt seem to help.....
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    bump.... ANYONE???? Haven't used this forum in a while, but it used to be good and full of instant replies to every problem.... annnyoonnnee?????
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    hahaah sorry about the extra pictures.... stoner at work....
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    please help!! is this Mg issue?

    hi everyone, Im pretty sure that two out of these 5 plants have a mg deficiency... I posted something a while back and never actually got a solution from anyone int his forum, so this is a 2nd hopeful attempt. I bought some epsom salt and i sprayed some on my plant last week. i did this for...
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    Mg deficiency?

    well im using filtered water and mixing that with a tiny bit of tap water just to bring the ph up to 6.2-6.5 but having said that, its almost time to change the filter for the water, so that might be the reason. would you say flushing is the way forward now?
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    Mg deficiency?

    Hi guys, my plants are looking nice and healthy but about 4 days ago i noticed the leaves edges turning lighter green... very strange. I think its magnesium deficiency but i'm not certain. I've put a teaspoon of epsom salt mixed with 1 Litre of water and have been spraying the plant 3 days...
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    Plagron Bat Guano Tea Instructions

    is it just me or nobody uses this forum any more (or dont bother replying at all...)
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    Plagron Bat Guano Tea Instructions

    Hi All, I've got some plagron bat guano and i was wondering where i can find info on making a tea mix out of it. I know the general guidlines of warming it up shaking it for a few days and adding a filter stone to bubble it up. but there's nothing about amounts, especially not specifically...
  16. S

    making pre-bottled nutrient mixes...

    pre measuring each nutrient seperately sounds like the best idea... PHing is the least of my troubles as long as he sticks to my water and amount guides because the ph always comes out the same that way... around 6.4
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    making pre-bottled nutrient mixes...

    it isnt rocket science but i'm extremely anal about my babies and i give them a lot of love, i find that when people arent excat and careful when watering, the plant reacts badly, and usually when i come back i see a load of yellowing leaves and so on... but you do have a
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    making pre-bottled nutrient mixes...

    Hi Guys, I'm leaving abroad for a few weeks but I'm on a tight feeding schedule as my plants are flowering. I was wondering whether its possible to stick my nutrient solutions into small bottles, so that whoever is taking care of my plants can just pour that into the right amount of water...
  19. S

    arjan's strawberry haze fading tops?

    im afraid the days of couchlock and zombie smoking are behind me but thanks for the tip ;-)