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  1. T

    You know someones a rookie smoker when . . .

    When they get giddy as hell and dont stop touching you :cuss: When they think its funny to copy everything you say and do :finger: But tbh rookie smokers are the best, spesh the rich kids. They pay the most towards the smoke ;-):bigjoint:
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    You know someones a rookie smoker when . . .

    You know when they're a rookie when they ask you. "Am i high yet?" Or when they start raiding through your belongings trying to find 'special secrets' :finger: Or watching the fear in their eyes when you pretend to answer the phone and then being like shit man! 5-0 are on the way!!! haha...
  3. T

    First thing you would do if three cops walked up to your door holding handcuffs

    I would open the door then get a run up and educate the officers in the secret and deadly art of the dropkick
  4. T

    Good Metal Bands to listen to while high/stoned?

    they are amazing! theyre new album really is fucking insane! i can play a furtive monologue and in the arms of perdition on guitar (old album) but theyre new stuff is near enough unplayable for me! Saw them last year at horrorfest, was sick as fuck! got to scream I FAILED YOU, ONCE AGAIN, YET...
  5. T

    Some Photos I Took : )

    explain:?: i propper like those snowy pics though DST. Kudos bongsmilie
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    Good Metal Bands to listen to while high/stoned?

    errrm no i wrote them out one by one ;) honestly though, thats what i listen to :)
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    Good Metal Bands to listen to while high/stoned? ANY TRACKS BY THIS GUY ARE SICK TO CHECK OUT WHEN STONED ;) fair, some of them are in midi but christmas = recording gear :) and a few people have lush taste in music on here, cant be arsed to back and quote their band lists but imma go ahead...
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    Some Photos I Took : )

    A few from god knows when? Taken with a 70 quid digital camera. Propper piece of arse like but meh! Its not as though theyre pro or anything but i like them cos they make me think back to when i took them. The slug one.........:weed: ha
  9. T

    Pussie in the Pot

    My cat luuurves the ganj, everytime i have it on me he comes and sits next to me. Maybe theres a scent that reminds them of catnip? Either way, he's a ganjfiend no doubt. He's been baked a couple of times before when he's ventured into the shed during my special time. Pics or it didnt happen i...
  10. T

    Good Metal Bands to listen to while high/stoned?

    ANY music is good when stoned tbf. I reckon my favs are either Emmure (just cos they get me all riled up and its fun as fuck to play on guitar just after that first fat morning smoke :D) Errm also a Dub artist called Cookie Monsta. Look him up, deffo worth your time! and probs Veil Of Maya...
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    metal haters and metal thread haters thread

    metallic haha tea bag? proof that being a twat doesnt make you smart
  12. T

    The Heavy Shit

    Seen dillinger at download fest 2008. They played really well!! inside one of the tents, i was blazed beyond belief, i dont actually think ive EVER been that high. The vocalist climbed right up the side of the stage, must have been like 25 foot above the crowd. Epic times were had by all! :D So...
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    metal haters and metal thread haters thread

    So you can quote my words and then write a short sentence explaining your distaste. Aww well done for you. Claps all round children :clap: oh and btw, please die?
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    The Heavy Shit

    BTBAM gets me exited everytime another stoner mentions them, maybe my fav band of all time. Colours ftw, and you seen the live dvd they released? thats proof that tech-experi-metal owns every other genre ;) outstanding band! :joint:
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    The Heavy Shit

    Gojira are sick! Really good underground-ish band, they really do need to make more of a name for themselves though, but not follow the main :)
  16. T

    metal haters and metal thread haters thread

    You win! :clap:
  17. T

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    WINE AND WEED = WIN :bigjoint: It gets rid of drymouth uberfast and gets you smashed beyond belief without you even noticing :-P
  18. T

    metal haters and metal thread haters thread

    yeah, i guess its each to their own though man. i hate music threads, they only condone violence and angered bong hits, causing a cough and spilt bong water ALL OVER THE KEYBOARD!!! :fire: I have no problem listening to any type of music, all music is music, and all music is good :) (bar emo ;) )
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    metal haters and metal thread haters thread

    but when it returns we can sneak up behind it, shank it then stomp its brains out? surely? ;)
  20. T

    metal haters and metal thread haters thread

    oh and metal is probably one of the most talented genres of music there is. it involves actually playing instruments, the production and pre production, mastering and finishing takes more time than any other genre. So what sort of music are you into then? I just want to know so i can start a...