Pussie in the Pot


Well-Known Member
That's cute! :) that looks like a pot friendly kitty, as for those not so weed friendly animals I recomend laying old rose bush branches down around your plants. It's very effective against cats who like to use the potting soil as kitty litter; using this method your guaranteed to have one pissed pee-blocked pussy indeed. Lol

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I had the cutest kitten, so similar to that. So very involved in my first three acid trips. It was so insane, I even taught it to fetch. [NO JOKE!] but the dorm made me send it back home and it escaped and is most likely dead. I've never had such a connection with an animal before this, and I've had cats, dogs, etc. But this cat was the best. So young did it die. Hopefully your cat will stop being mischievous quickly, mine never got old enough to.... *tear. [just kidding]


Well-Known Member
it looks so good i can almost taste it i love pussy for real their so cute i just have to lick em
I have two cats too and they eat my little seddling. I was so angry. They destroyed everything.....But they must need everything and controll everything. But im still angry.
What happened to your cat? The cat was high lol.
Just interesting when i start another seedling in january.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
My cat luuurves the ganj, everytime i have it on me he comes and sits next to me. Maybe theres a scent that reminds them of catnip?

Either way, he's a ganjfiend no doubt. He's been baked a couple of times before when he's ventured into the shed during my special time.

Pics or it didnt happen i hear you say? ;)

spazzy toby (1).JPGtoby,chillin (1).JPGtoby.jpg

he's just a old moggy. 19 years young. bless him :)