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    ROOTBOUND HYDRO and Burned Roots; 6weeks into flower, anything i can do?

    I'm sure I am not knowledgeable to help but more details and pics will probably help others give advise.
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    Are You Getting The Most out of your Mother?? F.A.Q.

    What do you mean clone size? As in the size of the cutting I take?
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    small box

    Not sure what the question is. You know the space you can use, I'm sure you have read a bit so you know what you need for lighting. What are you needing help with?
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    Are You Getting The Most out of your Mother?? F.A.Q.

    And one more thing, I assume its possible to keep them smaller. Going to get less clones off it but thats ok. Am I right?
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    Are You Getting The Most out of your Mother?? F.A.Q.

    Wow thanks man. Been wondering about keeping a mother plant. One question is how do you stop it from getting huge? I will be keeping it in a dwc setup but I assume putting it in a small bucket will keep it small in the same way that it will in soil.
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    Alright - Made my list as a first-timer, can you review/help out?

    Sorry man missed it. Just get a filter that fits on the fan. So if the fan is 6" get a 6" filter or better yet build a diy, there are many on this site.
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    Why do people normally recommend a 600w light over a 1000w? Is there something I'm missing?
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    Virgin here, teach me wise ones.

    As far as the lighting goes the bigger the better. However the bigger the light the harder to cool so get what you can afford and keep in mind the cost of the fan. Soil or hydro, soil seems to be what most people recommend for new growers because you have more time to fix the problems then you...
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    Ways to reduce power

    I think you may be a little too worried about the power consumption. I think it will cost about $100 extra max on your electric bill. You can counter that buy turning you ac down and getting cfls or leds for your house.
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    Half dead clones

    Still new but from what I have read what homegrown said is correct. They say to trim all but top two leaves.
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    making money

    You may not want to post the fact that you are dealing on the internet.
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    Mutant plant - Advanced genetics - A seedling have 3 leaf instead of 2

    I just got one that sprouted with 3 leafs, was kind of cool but ended up dieing about a week later.
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    Alright - Made my list as a first-timer, can you review/help out?

    May want to think about a carbon filter for the smell, a pph and ph meter and (splitting hairs here) but I think the ideal water temp is 68F. Lastly I think you want to start off with less then 1/2 of the recommended nutes but I'm sure someone smarter then I can tell you for sure. Take it all...
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Ya there is a very weak amount of nutes in there. Took that plant out and put it in ph'd distilled water. Crossing my fingers.
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    An ideas whats going on with my plant?

    Thanks for taking a look man. Checked on it this morning and its even worse with the spraying last night. I guess I'll just caulk this one up to a loss.
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Just started about 36 hours ago. Until then it looked like the others.... just checked it this morning and it looks like she is a gonner unless some one has and brite ideas fast. Its looking bad.
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    An ideas whats going on with my plant?

    it's dieing fast. anyone have any ideas before i lose her?
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    Fuck , Broke a stem where the bud was starting to grow LOOK ...

    i hear duck tape will fix that. idk for sure but it is worth a shot.
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    any idea what is up with my plant? got 4 that sprouted 10 days ago. one just took a shit the other day. they are all in the same Reservoir so I dont think the water is the issue. others look great. newest a few hours ago the others in the same bucket.
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    Electrical Help Please!

    from what u say your outlet can handle it.