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  1. thequestionis

    M39 indoor clones / soil / veg

    i see that your watering every 24hours? thats too much water in my opinion. let the top of the soil dry out a bit, like if you poke your finger into it, underneath will be a bit moist, but the top has dried out. The plants can die with too much water, because the roots aren't given time to...
  2. thequestionis

    Why do only men grow weed??

    well theres a few of us out there including me. i play video games, cook dinner, and smoke weed =]
  3. thequestionis

    PLEASE HELP! What is this??

    yeah i need to get a good one.. and btw the plants dont look any better yet, should i clip the dead leaves off? Maybe the new leaves will be healthier?
  4. thequestionis

    PLEASE HELP! What is this??

    thanks for the help man, i knew i shouldnt have gotten a cheap ph meter :( ill flush them some more when the lights get back on.. Lets hope this works! Its my first hydro... i dont wanna kill my plants already :(
  5. thequestionis

    PLEASE HELP! What is this??

    i dont have an ec meter.. but i have a ppm meter, it said 450 last time i checked it yesterday, then today it was around 300 i think, but i thought it was weird cause theres only water in there.. my ph meter broke, so ive just been measuring it by the color tests.. idk how accurate those things...
  6. thequestionis

    PLEASE HELP! What is this??

    my ph before about 6.5 i think? im only using 1/4 strength nutes, and yesterday i changed the reservoir water.. so their just getting ph'ed water right now
  7. thequestionis

    PLEASE HELP! What is this??

    Please, I don't know what this is.. and every day its gettting worse. I read that I need to fix my ph to 5.8, and I did, but its still worse today.. I don't know what else to do :(
  8. thequestionis

    Hydro Drip W/ Green Crack+OG, DJ Short Blueberry, Blue Dream, and Blueberry Kush!

    Heres some updated pics of the girls.. :-P Their bigger already!
  9. thequestionis

    Air Stone Necessary?

    yeah i have a pump, and i thought that when the water was dropping back into the bucket with the pump, it would agitate it enough?
  10. thequestionis

    Cheesecloth absolutely necessary?

    just used a regular ol strainer and it got the job done, thanks :)
  11. thequestionis

    Cheesecloth absolutely necessary?

    Ive been brewing this cannabutter and it's almost finished.. but I don't have an cheesecloth. Is there another alternative? I have a strainer.. does it matter?:-P
  12. thequestionis

    What kind of bug is this??

    just checked all the leaves, no eggs! thank god
  13. thequestionis

    What kind of bug is this??

    I just spotted this on one of my plants leaves.. I killed it and couldn't find anymore, even under all the leaves, but it made me nervous. Should I be worried?
  14. thequestionis

    Air Stone Necessary?

    where would i find a micro pore?
  15. thequestionis

    Air Stone Necessary?

    Great thanks for the help. +rep One more q, do they run out quickly, should I stock up?
  16. thequestionis

    Air Stone Necessary?

    Hello everyone, just a quick question. I just started running a 4x4 drip system, and I've been reading a lot about putting air stones in the res.. is this necessary? And if so, where can I get one? Are the ones for fish at walmart okay, or do I need some special kind? Thanks for helping...
  17. thequestionis

    What should I do with this?

    awsome thanks man. do you think this will be enough to get somethin out of it?
  18. thequestionis

    What should I do with this?

    Hey everyone, I have all these trimming, small buds, and leaves here and dont know what to do with them. I don't particularly want to make cannabutter... is there anything else? Could I get a decent amount of hash from this.. or mabye oil? What would be the best thing?
  19. thequestionis

    Call me stupid..

    why cant i just use the grow big thats used for soil? whats the difference if i use it at a lesser dose?
  20. thequestionis

    Hydro Drip W/ Green Crack+OG, DJ Short Blueberry, Blue Dream, and Blueberry Kush!

    Hey everyone I just set up my first hydro grow yesterday and took some pics today! I'm excited to get the ball rolling.. and the girls look happy already :) All from clones btw.. The back left is my Blue Dream girl, next to it is the GC, and in front is the BB dj short... and the bb kush im...