Hydro Drip W/ Green Crack+OG, DJ Short Blueberry, Blue Dream, and Blueberry Kush!


Active Member
Hey everyone I just set up my first hydro grow yesterday and took some pics today! I'm excited to get the ball rolling.. and the girls look happy already :)
All from clones btw..
The back left is my Blue Dream girl, next to it is the GC, and in front is the BB dj short... and the bb kush im still waiting on to grow a bit more before i put in it with the rest.
Im running a 400w hps light with fans blowing on it. also got some fans bringing in outside air, and ive got one exaust for now, but im gonna have to get more i think.
im also using ff grow big, but for now im using the one i have left from my soil grow.. and I read that its okay just lower dose. I'm feeding them for 15min every 2 hours... still trying to find the best feeding schedule for now... suggestions are welcome!

