PLEASE HELP! What is this??


Active Member
What is your PH at the mo ? Defo looks like a nute lock out. What was your PH before you lowered it to 5.8 ? And how much nutes if any are you giving it ?
What you need to do is start to flush your system thru with PH'd water.


Active Member
my ph before about 6.5 i think? im only using 1/4 strength nutes, and yesterday i changed the reservoir water.. so their just getting ph'ed water right now


Active Member
my ph before about 6.5 i think? im only using 1/4 strength nutes, and yesterday i changed the reservoir water.. so their just getting ph'ed water right now
6.5 PH is high for hydro, You want to try not to let it get above 6.0, The max you want it is 6.2. I have done hydro from the start with no probz at all, I always aim to keep my PH at around 5.7 - 5.8.
Even tho your flushing them now with PH'd water (thru the res) Your still need to flush alot of water thru quickly as the cube,and balls will be holding water with a high PH. You need to flush them quickly to prevent it from getting worse mate.
What was your Ec when you were feeding them ?


Active Member
i dont have an ec meter.. but i have a ppm meter, it said 450 last time i checked it yesterday, then today it was around 300 i think, but i thought it was weird cause theres only water in there..
my ph meter broke, so ive just been measuring it by the color tests.. idk how accurate those things are, but ive been trying to get it as close as possible. im watering them right now, and then its lights off for 6 hours sooo lets hope they look better by the time they turn back on.
OH and also, i did some research earlier and put some epsom salt in the water and also sprayed them with some under the leaves.. will this help? because im pretty sure its magnesium deficiency


Active Member
When your doing hydro you ideally want a digital PH meter mate, I know you said its broke but get 1 asap(not a cheap one ) The reason its going up and own (ppm) is because the balls and cube will stil have it in it.
Epsom salts is good if its lacking mag yes. I have never sprayed anything onto my plants so i cant say it will or wont hurt them, I doubt it will do anything to harm the plants tho.( As long as there isnt any droplets of water on the leafs as the light can burn your leafs) Just flush water thru them mate, Get a bucket of water if you have to and litterally poor it into the plant pot. Make sure its PH'd tho.

Hope this helps fella.


Active Member
thanks for the help man, i knew i shouldnt have gotten a cheap ph meter :(
ill flush them some more when the lights get back on..
Lets hope this works! Its my first hydro... i dont wanna kill my plants already :(


Active Member
thanks for the help man, i knew i shouldnt have gotten a cheap ph meter :(
ill flush them some more when the lights get back on..
Lets hope this works! Its my first hydro... i dont wanna kill my plants already :(
Just remeber Hydro is less forgiving, If you screw up your EC or PH your gonna have big probz. Bluelab's EC truncheon is good, And you wanna try to spend abot £40 on a decent PH meter so you can get spot on results.


Active Member
yeah i need to get a good one..
and btw the plants dont look any better yet, should i clip the dead leaves off? Maybe the new leaves will be healthier?