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  1. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    So the clone from the big one looks like it is a female, Which would confirm my hunch that the plant is a female that turned hermie under stress??? Is that possible??? Below is a pic of my big bubbler. I plan on using this for flowering eventually, but am using it as a cloner ATM. Cant...
  2. Botanist Bob

    My plant flowered under 24hr light

    I didn't let the bastard throw its pollen. cut it down before it had a chance. not that it would have mattered, as there are no other flowering plants in there ATM. but i didn’t want any pollen hanging around for when i do have some flowering females in there. So when it shows its sex, it's...
  3. Botanist Bob

    My plant flowered under 24hr light

    Yeah, thats what i thought might be happening. Its a survival thing, a lot of plants will do the same thing.
  4. Botanist Bob

    My plant flowered under 24hr light

    Oh, ok, didn't know that. I thought it was a change in hormones due to length of day that made em flower. I assumed this is the case. Thanx man.
  5. Botanist Bob

    My plant flowered under 24hr light

    Anyone herd of this happening? I started with just one plant, but later added 4 more to the grow. So the first and biggest plant i grew under 24hr light of a 4 foot fluro and some CFL's in a flood drain system, using dutch master nutes. I cut like 20 clones off it, and was starving it of...
  6. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Yeah, chucked the big one. Am flowering the clones to make sure they are male, and it wasn't the stress that caused the big one to go hermie. So it's not unheard of for a plant to flower under 24 light? Nobby, the tray the big one was in was flood/drain - just never got round to filling...
  7. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Ok so he is a dude. She is a male. Shim is a him. Devistated! Strange thing is, it is still on 24 light. How can it flower on 24 light? Is it because of the extreme stress its been under? Not in good shape. I guess no nutes and loosing all your limbs will do that.
  8. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Update time. Been about a month, and I’ve been busy. Finished construction on my veg room and now have separate areas for veg and flowering. Pictured below is the veg room behind the plastic on the right, and flowering room at the end, also behind the plastic. Veg room contains the old...
  9. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    under construction. trying to get it done in time to flower the clones for sexing(if they live). like everything in my grow, it will be a rush job, as spare time when the wife isn't home is hard to come by. loving every minute though!:mrgreen:
  10. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Crap! First go at cloning. wasn't sure if i was doing it right. wouldn't be suprised if that happens. i took a peek in the rockwool and couldn't see any rooting.:-? dont know the sex of the mumma, hence the clones are for sexing. temp doesnt vary from day to night, running between 75-80
  11. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Cheers. Yeah pulled one of those, was just waiting to see which one was strongest. bubbler is working great, first go at something like that. Those seedlings are growing alot faster than the big mumma did (just on a drip system). i've got a bigger black tub with a lid, just gotta cut some...
  12. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Not sure what the fire hazard is. If you mean the cords? they hang outside the room once the curtain is closed. She's apples mate.
  13. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    update below are the 4 littleuns in the bubbler 2 weeks older. have started adding a small amount of nutes (using Dutch Master if not already mentioned). Growing well for 4 weeks old i think cut 6 clones 4 days ago (pictured below). expected them to wilt before springing...
  14. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Yeah, sorry, bout time for an update. Been about a month. Things moving slower than I would like with the grow. Finding it hard to get time down there when the missus isn’t home. Looking at the size of the plant it has been a while. Here she is now, post trimming of some fan leaves to get more...
  15. Botanist Bob

    Secret garden under my house

    Hey fellas, total noobie at growing hydro, so suggestions and criticisms are most welcome. I recently moved house, and to my delight, discovered a hidden space behind a wall under my new house. I haven’t grown weed since I was 16, living at home growing in my closet, from cuttings taken from my...
  16. Botanist Bob

    DIY 3 Gallon Rubbermaid DWC

    This is what i'm wondering too. Great thread BTW. Love this system. I've just germinated my for my first grow, and i think i'll do a set up like yours. Only difference, as height is a problem for me, is the type of container used for the rez. I'm gunna need something shorter and perhaps...