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  1. letshopetheygrow

    seedling problem HELP!

    thanks i tried proping it up with more rockwool. lets hope *fingers crossed*
  2. letshopetheygrow

    mold on rock wool

    I am using rockwool in an ebb and flow style and it has the same green stuff i think might be algae, and then the white stuff you mentioned, lemme know if you find a good way around it
  3. letshopetheygrow

    seedling problem HELP!

    alright, i hope it can still live, it got bent in like three different places on the stem :(
  4. letshopetheygrow

    seedling problem HELP!

    i planted three seeds a little bit ago, they grew fine, got their first leaves, i go in to the room i keep the little ones in and one of the three has fallen over and the bottom is really spindly and weak. it is falling over alot. it looks like it got pushed up a bit but the roots were already...
  5. letshopetheygrow

    First grow, need a little feedback (photos and details! yay)

    everything is looking great to me, the plants look healthy. nice work on all the reflective surfaces. everything is shiny :mrgreen:
  6. letshopetheygrow

    Cloning setup

    i was bored and wanted to try clonin something else actually. its some sort of vine laying around
  7. letshopetheygrow

    Can anyone help?

    yep. its lights off right now so im going to start cleaning tomorrow and im lookin for a natural fungacide i can use.
  8. letshopetheygrow

    Cloning setup

    Cool, the tallest is about 1 inch away so ill make sure it doesn't get closer
  9. letshopetheygrow

    Cloning setup

    I have a 24w flourescent. what is the closest the plants should get to it. im growing both seedlings and clones in here.
  10. letshopetheygrow

    Can anyone help?

    awesome man, really appreciate the help. i might try a soil grow some other time to test out what works for me. ill get a handle on the rockwool soon hopefully though again, thanks a bunch TM
  11. letshopetheygrow

    Can anyone help?

    i have the temp gauge right inside the growroom, and it usually reads between 78 and 85. I try to keep humidity between 40 and 60 my mistake, the HPS is for my bloom room, i got them mixed up. Its a MH bulb in my veg room.
  12. letshopetheygrow


    k, ill start removing as much mold as possible from the room. thank you for clearing it up, i agreed but a friend was telling me it wasn't problematic. anything you could advise for cleaning mold problems that isn't complete restart?
  13. letshopetheygrow


    Hmm, k. but no, i didn't mean topsoil on rockwool, just that it gets its water from the bottom, so i'm not sure how the top got so wet. I've had people tell me that it was algae on top of my rockwool. any thoughts on that?
  14. letshopetheygrow

    Can anyone help?

    as of right now, the light is about 10 to 12 inches from the tallest plant, making it about 20 from the smallest. 400w sodium during this hot summer, the temp is usually around 80 and for some reason only drops a few degrees at night. humidity is usually around 40% to 60% (could that be the...
  15. letshopetheygrow


    The two plants with alot of mold were bad from the last batch, but just haven't gotten rid of them. no real grow experience, here and there stuff. but the rockwool setup is a new thing. what problems could the mold cause for the plants.
  16. letshopetheygrow


    Is the mold on these cubes anything to worry about? The ones on the bottom left of the pic
  17. letshopetheygrow

    How often should i water rockwool

    just like the title, im wondering how often i should use water my rockwool cubes with an ebb and flow system. this is for the bigger cubes. (pic below) anyone?
  18. letshopetheygrow

    Closet Grow (Lots of Pics)

    Those are looking great, the temp and humidity seem pretty good. Wish mine was workin as well as your
  19. letshopetheygrow

    Can anyone help?

    Lets hope that's it man, appreciate it, im gonna flush them for the third time and then try a little bit of nutes again, see how they react.
  20. letshopetheygrow

    Can anyone help?

    the light is 400watt sodium i think using the DNF system, but everytime i put in the harsher stuff like DNF black and Enhance, they just die off, so im using a little grow A/B