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  1. cbgreen

    Question about lighting cycles

    yea because hermie seeds give 50% hermies, well thnx for sharing, i really appreciate it!
  2. cbgreen

    Question about lighting cycles

    That's what i told him, ofcourse i know him for a couple of years now and i have no reason not to believe him, that's why i wanted to hear other people about this. Let's say he's not making it up, but if i take it with a grain of salt, fruiting could start as much as a few days earlier maybe, i...
  3. cbgreen


    let's hope it doesn't make your smoke taste like shit :D
  4. cbgreen

    300 watt clear screwin bulb with pic of setup.

    i suppose it will work but you won't get the best of results, i think keico is referring to the bulbs' spectra, but hey it looks like it's already set up and you're gonna try it anyway :)
  5. cbgreen

    Question about lighting cycles

    thnx for the link, and yes i agree, personally i will stick to 12/12 bloom cycle. btw, now that i think about it, feminized seed IS predetermined so that kinda answered my question :)
  6. cbgreen

    Question about lighting cycles

    hey there, sorry if i'm being a pain in the ass but would you care to elaborate on that? :)
  7. cbgreen

    Question about lighting cycles

    thnx for the quick replies people, la9, can you give me a link to your post with the technical stuff, i'm interested in reading that,if possible. i want to add something to your 24/7 12/12 cycle being standard. it seems that 24/7 instead of any other veg cycle WITH a dark period, seems to...
  8. cbgreen

    Question about lighting cycles

    When switching from 18/6 to 12/12, what should i do and why... let the lights switch on at the same time, or let them go out at the same time? And allso, i read in an article that in veg stage, giving your plants 1 hour of light during the night cycle increases the chances of ending up with...
  9. cbgreen

    First Time Grow....Looking for Advice

    Looking good, and hey, i've been reading up on lighting 24/7, appearantly in veg stage it does make your plants grow faster.
  10. cbgreen

    computer! Grower's log, stardate..erm.. where am I again?

    Ah never mind, seems to be because the little b*tches weren't used to that bright light, new growth seems to be unaffected
  11. cbgreen

    computer! Grower's log, stardate..erm.. where am I again?

    does anyone have any experience with the following? I'm starting to think reusing that same soil might not have been such a great idea after all, or at least i'm hoping it has nothing to do with it. At first i didn't pay attention to it, but it starts to curl more every day, and two others are...
  12. cbgreen

    Pics of the new girls

    When you say "lollypops turned into baseballs", you mean bigger buds? I'm interested in the difference in weight it will deliver compared with a hps.
  13. cbgreen

    Pics of the new girls

    Any resulting difference when used in blooming phase?
  14. cbgreen

    computer! Grower's log, stardate..erm.. where am I again?

    M Blaze, I remember you, you're the guy with the trees :) Sticky, since i have more plants now i'm expecting less time will be needed for vegging. Soil mix is nothing out of the ordinary, plain compost with some perlite, and nutes from "canna" : rhizotonic root stimulator, cannazym for...
  15. cbgreen

    computer! Grower's log, stardate..erm.. where am I again?

    and some pictures of my previous grow, around the 3rd week 12/12 i figured out how to use the thumbs :) these are only three plants and the biggest was bent across the tent, was about 6 foot high, the others are about 4.5 foot high
  16. cbgreen

    computer! Grower's log, stardate..erm.. where am I again?

    new pictures, i can't help posting more than once a week :) i put them in bigger containers, 2x 4.5gallons/14liter and 4x 2gallons/7liter, i'm gonna put the 2gallon plants in 4.5 gallon containers later on when they get root bound again, i didn't have the two extra 2gallon containers. day 13...
  17. cbgreen

    First Time Grow....Looking for Advice

    i can't wait to see them cuz i'm curious how you're gonna fix the airflow and keep it light tight at the same time :)
  18. cbgreen

    First Time Grow 600w MH/ 1000w HPS! Soil! GRO TENT!! ALOT OF PICSSSs

    that would be my guess too, everything else looks in order
  19. cbgreen

    First Time Grow....Looking for Advice

    hey that's a great idea, i've been thinking the exact same thing for the last couple of days, i would like to keep a motherplant to prevent having to buy or looking for seed every time. Saves time as well.