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  1. N

    How are they looking? When should I transplant?

    Anyone have any idea what's going on with #2? It has a lot of light green blotchyness and I can't figure it out.
  2. N

    How are they looking? When should I transplant?

    I'm not sure on there size. I will give them a couple of weeks and then transplant them one final time to 5 gallon buckets. Thank you for the responses.
  3. N

    How are they looking? When should I transplant?

    Transplanted them today. Do you think they will be able to live out their days in these new pots
  4. N

    How are they looking? When should I transplant?

    I meant to add that I am growing under 3 4ft T8s. My light has 4 bulbs but one went out and I haven't replaced it yet. I'm using fox farm soil and mixed it 60/40 with coconut core.
  5. N

    How are they looking? When should I transplant?

    My plants are now two weeks old and just received their first feeding. I only gave the a 1/4 dose to be on the safe side. The strain is serious seeds ak-47 #1 seems to be doing really good and I am happy with it's progress #2 seems to being doing good as well but has some like green...
  6. N

    Can I save her?

    I try not to worry but it's easier said than done haha. It's reassuring to know that she? should be ok. Thanks again for the help.
  7. N

    Can I save her?

    Thank you for your reply. I cut one leaf that was beyond being saved. I assumed it would save the plant from wasting energy on it. Hope this was the right decision.
  8. N

    Can I save her?

    Here she is
  9. N

    Can I save her?

    Trying to figure out how to upload picture using my iphone right now
  10. N

    Can I save her?

    My night time temps in my tent have been dropping to 64f and I decided to fix the problem. I put a small space heater in my tent and set the temperate to 68f thinking it would kick on and off and keep my room around 70. Unfortunately it never turned off and rocketed my room to 100+. One of my...