How are they looking? When should I transplant?

My plants are now two weeks old and just received their first feeding. I only gave the a 1/4 dose to be on the safe side. The strain is serious seeds ak-47
#1 seems to be doing really good and I am happy with it's progress
#2 seems to being doing good as well but has some like green pigmentation that I can't figure out. Some input on this would be greatly appreciate.
#3 was the best looking baby until I put her under some serious stress. A failed attempt to control the heat in my tent using a space heater. Do you recommend riding it out with her or just letting her go. Also I think they may be out growing there pots. Is it the right time to transplant to a bigger home? I greatly appreciate any input and thank you in advance. image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
I meant to add that I am growing under 3 4ft T8s. My light has 4 bulbs but one went out and I haven't replaced it yet. I'm using fox farm soil and mixed it 60/40 with coconut core.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I meant to add that I am growing under 3 4ft T8s. My light has 4 bulbs but one went out and I haven't replaced it yet. I'm using fox farm soil and mixed it 60/40 with coconut core.
Sounds like your doing the right things and they all look ok (all three) and will be fine, as long as they don't get too stressed on the transplant, which you should do right now. In the future, you might think about using biodegradable small pots. That way, you just make your hole in the mother container and slip the entire pot into place. The roots will grow out the sides later. Peace
I'm not sure on there size. I will give them a couple of weeks and then transplant them one final time to 5 gallon buckets. Thank you for the responses.