Can I save her?

My night time temps in my tent have been dropping to 64f and I decided to fix the problem. I put a small space heater in my tent and set the temperate to 68f thinking it would kick on and off and keep my room around 70. Unfortunately it never turned off and rocketed my room to 100+. One of my babies has some serious heat stress. Can she be saved? What is the proper treatment to get her back on track? Thank you so much for your input.


Well-Known Member
She'll be fine, she's young and will have plenty of time to grow that out. Keep good care of her and she will take good care of you :D
Thank you for your reply. I cut one leaf that was beyond being saved. I assumed it would save the plant from wasting energy on it. Hope this was the right decision.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply. I cut one leaf that was beyond being saved. I assumed it would save the plant from wasting energy on it. Hope this was the right decision.
I've found the more you worry about them the more problems your going to have. Just relax and have fun, it's all a learning experience. If you mess up you know not to do that again, it's trial and error. It's only a plant, but it's a very resistant plant that can bounce back very well.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me bro I'll help out if I can.
I've found the more you worry about them the more problems your going to have. Just relax and have fun, it's all a learning experience. If you mess up you know not to do that again, it's trial and error. It's only a plant, but it's a very resistant plant that can bounce back very well.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me bro I'll help out if I can.
I try not to worry but it's easier said than done haha. It's reassuring to know that she? should be ok. Thanks again for the help.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I first started I wanted to check that shit 24/7 and if one lil thing went wrong I would freak out. We've all been there. Just keep at it.