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  1. E

    Closet Grow (Something interesting is happening)

    yeah pull it. its not from your plant. anything other than your plant comming out of the soil should be pulled.
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    Thanks for the +rep to whoever gave it to me. since everyone drew up their version of the plan i decided to do my own. Here is my quick sketch of my idea. It looked pretty clear on my computer so hopefully you can all read it. I dont think it would really cost much at all. Thats if you were...
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    Closet Grow (Something interesting is happening)

    that doesnt happen. roots are thin and white. they dont liike like a blade of grass. what kind of soil are you using? did you just dig it up outside? if you bought your medium did you make sure it was sterilized? it may have had some sort of weed in it. pictures would help out alot better.
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    Dig a large hole... build a brick room halfway up the walls. make sure you add all your air intakes and outtakes and make a shaft/stairway to the top off to the side. now put a pool over your room. and build a shed for "storage" over the shaft/stairway. voila!
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    curving stem

    yes pile the dirt up for support. there wont be any buds down there and it shouldnt hurt the plant any. the bending is from when the sun goes down. my outdoor plants do the same thing.
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    Get more crystal in your buster!!!

    just any old coffee grinder. mine was $10 at walmart and i have had it for a year so far! :) some have better crevices than others and wont need the straws!
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    Get more crystal in your buster!!!

    ok so it doesnt magically create more crystal out of thin air. but in a single bust it allows the lid to collect more crystal in more places. my buster lid only got little amounts before i installed the straws. it works. try it before you knock it.
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    Get more crystal in your buster!!!

    welll kind of like i said. If you notice on your buster lid wherever there is some sort or corner or crevice, is where the crystals collect. So by adding the straw and extra pieces and putting them tight to the lid you are creating more of those crevices. A buddy told me about it and i didnt...
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    Get more crystal in your buster!!!

    I know a little trick to help you get a little more crystal build-up in your bud-buster (coffee grinder). First you take your lid and a straw. Cut the straw so its a little bit longer then it needs to be to fit in the lid. Now push it down wedging it into your lid. You may even add some small...
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    1000w BarneysFarm Red Diesel

    that topped plant looks amazing.
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    Orange Bud,Power Africa,G13 Disel

    pic #3 looks fuckin delicious! wish i could try some! lol. Good work man. i cant wait until my second grow to see how much better I can do!
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    Orange Bud,Power Africa,G13 Disel

    hmmmm maybe i will get one. Im in the 30C temps.
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    Orange Bud,Power Africa,G13 Disel

    whats is the noise like on those? im having heat issues but my grow is outside in a shed and too much noise is bad. Right now I have a bathroom fan, 2 small fans, like less than 6", and one large 20" fan with my 1000watt HPS ballast. I dont seem to hear anything outside my shed yet unless i...
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    Hobo stile

    CFL's are cheap. for under $100 you could have that plant looking really healthy with closer node points.
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    Hobo stile

    go pick up some Y splitters, and mounts to plug them into a power bar. get at least 6 of them. Those plants are hurtin for more light dude. thats why they only have 3 fingers on the leaves. plus they are really thin and stretched. Halogen lights are horrible. You should see better results...
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    87 days flowering. are they ready yet

    i would mix a teaspoon of molasses into a gallon of water and feed your plants some of that for a week. the molasses will help the buds get more dense. those buds look like you can see right through them.
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    1st timer here...

    ummmm 30X works but i think I have a 60X - 100X magnifier. I bought it for less than $20 in my local hydro store. if you have one then you dont really need to worry about how much time is left by guessing. you juts check the trichs for when they are cloudy and then you know your weed is ready to...
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    1st timer here...

    lol i dunno. i stopped keeping track when i bought a magnifier to watch the trichs. but the trichs are still 100% clear and the nugs look like they have lots of growing to do still. Id say I have another 3-4 weeks at least on the kush and almost 8 weeks on the thai stick!