Closet Grow (Something interesting is happening)


I am a first time grower and have 5 plants currently in veg stage week 4. They are doing VERY well under the 8 4' 40w Daylight Florescents I have. Yesterday I topped one of the smaller plants just to see if it would turnout like everyone says. Today when I checked on my babies I noticed that the one I topped had what looks like a blade of grass coming out of the soil a few inches away from the main stem. I am pretty certain that this is a root that decided to grow in the wrong direction. Has anyone else experienced something like this? Should I leave it to grow? I just transplanted them last week so I know there is plenty of grow medium for those roots to flourish in. Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated.

I will post some pictures here in a bit.



Well-Known Member
that doesnt happen. roots are thin and white. they dont liike like a blade of grass.

what kind of soil are you using? did you just dig it up outside?

if you bought your medium did you make sure it was sterilized? it may have had some sort of weed in it.

pictures would help out alot better.
Here are some pictures as promised. The Picture on the left is what I was talking about. You can barely see it popping out of the soil to the left of the plant. I definitely didnt use just any old soil. I bought Scott's premium potting soil and mixed about 10-15% perlite in with it. I am going to see if I can get closer with my camera. I'd say blade of grass to, but there are 2 distinctive leaves.



Active Member
Here are some pictures as promised. The Picture on the left is what I was talking about. You can barely see it popping out of the soil to the left of the plant. I definitely didnt use just any old soil. I bought Scott's premium potting soil and mixed about 10-15% perlite in with it. I am going to see if I can get closer with my camera. I'd say blade of grass to, but there are 2 distinctive leaves.

Off topic but if you don't have a lot of money buy a 600 watt hps light.. for 4 weeks your plants don't look too good... very healthy but very small...
I actually just bought a 400w hps with a 2'x2' hood...i figured that would do me fine, considering maybe only half of those are females. This also is just bag seed for the first time, so that might have something to do with the slow vegi growth. I wanted to save the good seeds (White Widow - Feminized and Blue Passion - Feminized) once I get a grow under my belt and work out the kinks.


Active Member
I have that from time to time. I contribute it to having different kinds of compost and manure in my soil mix and whatever the manure is from didn't get that seed digested. Im sure if you let it go it will turn out to be some kind of grass or other pasture grazing mix.
So I'm in week 5 now, from seed to this. I bought a 400w hps light about a week and 1/2 ago and I can already see the HUGE strides in growing. For my first grow everything seems to be on track. Now it just comes down to if there are any females in the bunch. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!


