
Well-Known Member
I will very likely create a journal.
Probably for the next go 'round though.
Effectively, this is my first grow, so I'm still cutting my teeth. I didn't get started with pictures early enough. Also, I've already nearly killed them at least once. When I have better details, and proven success, I'll document carefully.
+rep for a nice first grow and great idea with the lights...


Well-Known Member
thank you for clearin that up..and also +rep to my haterz and creators..i myself am a creator..the planning would be the longest part of the project..i can build a fukin shed by my self from SCRAP in a week! so whos the retard??? my uncle did a pond.. the thing is this doenst have to be a massive body of water to support this idea..ppl use man made ponds all the tim for irrigation where im orriginaly from....so b4 you knock the idea on a public thread so openly..just follow along quietly and smoke....thas you only purpose on this thread ..any nay sayerz comments are welcome..thats the point of this thread (Pro-Cons) and im far from a retard..very bright indeed and also young. so don't let the short hand spellin and TYPOz fool you ...

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Creating a 3d walkthrough right now... should be fun...

looking forward to that ..... i wish i had better software then i do there are some crazy programs out there like that 3d or blueprint software...then you can get really crazy with the idea.


Well-Known Member
hey green take a look at my ideas, they make since. its easy access water tight, and a quick plan, so it doesn't take you 15 years to complete.


Active Member
thank you for clearin that up..and also +rep to my haterz and creators..i myself am a creator..the planning would be the longest part of the project..i can build a fukin shed by my self from SCRAP in a week! so whos the retard??? my uncle did a pond.. the thing is this doenst have to be a massive body of water to support this idea..ppl use man made ponds all the tim for irrigation where im orriginaly from....so b4 you knock the idea on a public thread so openly..just follow along quietly and smoke....thas you only purpose on this thread ..any nay sayerz comments are welcome..thats the point of this thread (Pro-Cons) and im far from a retard..very bright indeed and also young. so don't let the short hand spellin and TYPOz fool you ...
Thats whats up! I don't understand all the people who are dismissing this idea so quickly. It pretty simple and like you siad people make artificial ponds all the time. Hell here in Texas there is only one natural lake all the rest are man made.

If you had 30,000 grand you could easily do this and probably have money left over. A concrete building would be your best bet: strong, water proof and no problems with rust or damage from water. You could build a 10x12 concrete building for under 9,000. A for structure a couple of pilliars would easily support the weight of the water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the +rep to whoever gave it to me. since everyone drew up their version of the plan i decided to do my own. Here is my quick sketch of my idea. It looked pretty clear on my computer so hopefully you can all read it.

I dont think it would really cost much at all. Thats if you were already going to put a small pool in your backyard and a storage shed.

you wouldnt have to have a shallow pool entirely. you could keep your grow room small and just put it under the shallow end and have the deep end of the pool off the side of the underwater room.


P.S. like you say, you can even just put a small pond over it. ANYTHING underground and covered my a small pond isnt going to be seen by any porkchoppers in the sky.



Well-Known Member
:hump::clap:extortion) thats the way i would do it for a pool...i like the slope idea for the pond too..much easier access.+rep:joint:
Thanks for the +rep to whoever gave it to me. since everyone drew up their version of the plan i decided to do my own. Here is my quick sketch of my idea. It looked pretty clear on my computer so hopefully you can all read it.

I dont think it would really cost much at all. Thats if you were already going to put a small pool in your backyard and a storage shed.

you wouldnt have to have a shallow pool entirely. you could keep your grow room small and just put it under the shallow end and have the deep end of the pool off the side of the underwater room.


P.S. like you say, you can even just put a small pond over it. ANYTHING underground and covered my a small pond isnt going to be seen by any porkchoppers in the sky.


Well-Known Member
as a matter of fact you (how JEW) you get a +rep for not being high enuff to see and share my vision of sumthing great..woo woo woo its not my fault you just smoke the shake out of that bag of dirt in BIBLE paper and you dnt even have roach clips layin around!! maybe jus maybe you shud delete your post off my thread(save sum server space) find your local dope boy and a weed world/ht magazine and go beat your wee wee to some one elses thread!!!
please don't post stuff like this. thanks. bongsmilie


Active Member
Well I would say that working all day with concrete leak repair and seeing the kinds of pool room setups people have that this is completely possible! I have always had plans for a secret bomb shelter and know the ins and outs of how to make it structurally sound and actually "bomb proof"

If you could dig out the space for a pond or pool or even a concrete planter box, then dig a 9x9x10 (WxLxH) hold out of your normal hole you could easily place form up for a 12" thick floor,walls, and ceiling with a shaft 2x3x(Height to top of planterbox) with 8" thick walls. At that point it is a matter of ensuring the proper waterproofing membranes are CORRECTLY installed as well as ensuring you use the right water:cement ratio and mix design. You wouldn't want to go all out making a true stealth under-pool/ground grow room and have it start flooding from the outside :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: AHAHA!

Doing this would make or an 8foot cubed room with over 500cubic feet of air and 64 square ft of grow space!:weed: the shaft is 3ft wide to accommodate a 1x1 duct system with electrical, plumbing,exhaust,and fresh air that can all come from their own unique sources! :clap:

I'm super high and thought this would be a cool deal because when I thought of an underground grow room before I figured IR cameras could still see an 86deg. square in the dirt. But a pool would conduct the heat and disperse it amazingly with all the water!
Defiantly not worth the money unless you can grow enough in that space to sell and get a return on the price tag of building one of these proper considering all the equipment you MIGHT as well throw in 4/1000W HID's, humidifier/dehumidifier, heating/cooling unit, and a mass hydroponics and Co2 setup with external reservoirs on a mega pump with your C02 line running with it so you don't have to carry any nutrients or Co2 tanks down the latter! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

and to those who say you have smoked yourself retarded.... HA!! The Underground Hell Grow is possible and achievable for the right price... I.E your SOUL!!!! MUUUUAAAHAHAHA :fire:



Active Member
I have actually done this man. Yields were "out of this world". I made this little grow op at the bottom of a lagoon and powered it up with something really large...like a 400W HPS. I was pulling kilos out of there on a monthly basis. It must have had something to do with how the water that surrounded the see-through dome reflected the light back to grow room.

Go for it dude. The deeper the pond, the better the grow.


Well-Known Member
all those trees dont think oxygen would be a problem lol..would be to hard to throw a fake ass ornament on the water to look like decoratin yet have some sort of intake attached..
A lot of ponds without a stream or spillway would have an overflow pipe which leads to some down hill source. They usually look like an attic vent that's 3-4' across that juts above the water line. I'm sure if you didn't get caught crawling in no one would bother checking it out.