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  1. L

    I rest my case!!!!

    Well from a non serious stand point, I think the mexicans should grow and dry their pot, with a good cure and see how much we bitch then. Talk about balancing out the price market. And whats up with the coke from days of old! Send some of that shit to the middle aged people that like to party on...
  2. L

    Slang words you just can't stand

    I can get some "Shwag" pisses me off. Now radio stations give away shwag. F that Shwag.
  3. L

    Is it normal to piss while sitting?

    I think out of respect to your mom or wife what you do in private to keep her happy is up to you. But if you do that at work or in public so your buddies or strangers can catch you, it will be made fun of. I went to my buddy's house and his wife told me to sit or go out back. I looked at him and...
  4. L

    9 million homes in foreclosure?

    I know exactly what I can afford for a house loan a car loan or any other kind of debt i choose to take responsibility for. 5 years ago everyone was scratching their heads, looking at people saying damn... What the hell am I doing wrong, they have the house, the boat the lifted f-350. What I am...
  5. L

    HELP!!! Ripped the tip of one leaf off on accident!

    Maybe some compost from all the leaves our man is blowing through is a start:peace::mrgreen:
  6. L

    my recent split with my fiance

    How many hookers will a bill get in brazil? I am torn now between partying with the op and dwr and hookers and coke. The delimas of life:mrgreen:
  7. L

    The answer to our light-block prayers?

    I read on the page that it's biodegradeable. Is it working beter than regular black visqueen?
  8. L

    my recent split with my fiance

    I can understand any language if I get messed up enough.
  9. L

    HELP!!! Ripped the tip of one leaf off on accident!

    It was said with a smile. You got it now. Good luck bud
  10. L

    What else do i need? beside ph meter

    Yes you need the ec ppm meter. I didnt know i had a crap load of minerals tds in my water and over fed my plants. you may be starting with 4-500 ppm before adding nutes and if you dont account for them you will over feed your plants or even lock out your nutes.
  11. L

    my recent split with my fiance

    Hey dwr i am feeling a little down now too.
  12. L

    germinating seeds help please

    If you did everything gentle and the tap root facing down you will be fine. Dont overwater, maybe mist the soil and put a peice of seran wrap to make a little greenhouse effect and be patient.
  13. L

    my recent split with my fiance

    It doesnt help much right now but the pain will go away. Force yourself to work and stay busy and you will pull through it. If you keep hanging on you will only go through the pain again with a cheater. You made the hard but right decision.
  14. L

    My room stinks.....not weed smell

    Not all weed smells great in veg and flower. they have strains like dogshit and catpiss. They smell like... Until they are cured. What are you growing again
  15. L

    Greetings from the land of Kangaroos

    cool, i hear you have some of the best outdoor around in aus, good luck and welcome.
  16. L

    HELP!!! Ripped the tip of one leaf off on accident!

    The yellowing that is developing on the leaf tip... It is caused by a torn leaf tip.
  17. L

    need help from americans

    As an American i think I will let some other countries answer this question. I tire of carrying the burden of helping the world everyday
  18. L

    Strange area news stories.

    No they say that kids will see the liquor and be curious. I would think this will be counter productive
  19. L

    raw milk illegal!!

    I was pouring concrete on a dairy farm ane we got into his delicious cold milk. unprocessed and oh so fresh and cold. About 20 minutes later it must have turned straight to butter and grease cause it was out the other end. I will never drink raw milk again. Without practice lol
  20. L

    Notta amigo

    Notta amigo