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  1. B

    First Grow - In tent- 600w HPS

    lookin real nice bro
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    2 newb questions about growing

    wow bro go to the noob section its all covered there READ its all covered and CFL stands for COlOR FLORESENT
  3. B

    Cleveland, OH marijuana bust

    woah that was quite the op goin on there haha they cant clame that as personals lmao
  4. B

    Seedling problem!! Look!!

    wow thanks for the fast reply man!! yah i was thinkin that im gona go try it now ill be back on after i go for a painful visit to the dentist hahaha thanks man:peace:
  5. B

    why is my plant wilting!?

    ok same thing happend to me ....when using the spray bottle how much water are you actually putting in because the problem with the spray bottle is that u can spray it alot and it looks real wet but in reality your only soakin the top layer and that drys up quick with your light......water with...
  6. B

    Seedling problem!! Look!!

    :bigjoint:ok well i started a new seesdling about 3 -4 days ago now the stem looks strong and good but the two oval leaves wont come down and open they are just staying straight up shut and not letting the actualy true leaves come out i am gettin pics of my plants soonn i got one lookin real...
  7. B

    2 42 watt cfl's for one plant???

    well also depends how old the plant is i find the younger the plant the less CFLS i have on it as ive burned myn once but as it gets bigger fire more CFLS on bro
  8. B

    !!!purple spectrum!!! Look

    lol no its not gona turn purple haha but yah im gonna give her a try and see how they do
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    24/0 Lighting

    depends what lights you usin...
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    39" Auto Diesel Ryder?!?!?!

    hahah yah i definatly wouldnt worry looks beautiful so far
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    Whats wrong with my seedling? ( PICS )

    heat can definatly be a facor bro i had the same thing happen but it was nute burn also lay off he nutes for another week or so
  12. B

    Pollen problem

    just wait it will eventualy happen no point rushing it
  13. B

    Thieves should BURN IN HELL!

    man ive had kids rip myn outa my backyard i was gettin in my car at 1 in the afternoon and two fuckers run by me with my plants!!! all my neiboughs outside watching while these kids run off with my plants i chassed them down got my plants back but ended up throwing them out they were in...
  14. B

    Pronlem germinating

    everythign sounds rite but one thing the place your putting them on your growbox is it dark??? and your covering the whole seed with damp paper towel rite not just letting them sit on the damp paper towel .....i usually put the seeds in a container and throw them in the dresser under some cloths...
  15. B

    How much $ do you make growing?

    man selling weed is not worth it grow for personals not to sell you will just ge busted that way if u keep it to personals you have alot less chance of getting caught and if u grow it just for yourself you save money from having to go buy it am i right well thats my idea of it you can do wat you...
  16. B

    Critique My Set UP..Got a couple of THC SPROUTS!!

    oops sorry miss read they are nice and close sorry bout that:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: haha but get some more advice on that HPS and throw her in there id love to see some new growth pics from your hps....happy tokin bro:joint::peace:
  17. B

    Critique My Set UP..Got a couple of THC SPROUTS!!

    plastic cups are fine thats what i use to start myn up too they are the ones with the red outside rite?? but everything looks good just one question how far away are your lights from your plants they look to far away from here you want them 1-3 inches away depending on how many watts they are...
  18. B

    Week 7 of 12/12 - 34,000 Lumens.

    ok thats its ive had enough of this! :twisted:i cant go to a section on this forum without being slapped in the face by your plants they look so damn YUMMY!!! hahaha great job bro i hope myn turn out like that good job DR :joint::neutral:
  19. B

    Hey is this good or wat?

    if u look there no light is hitting the plant dirrectly on the top the light isnt evened out around the plant well enough i would get more lights if i were you aswell although your plant does look nice =) so pretty much if i were you i would put one of hem back in the lamp and put it on the side...
  20. B

    Feminized Pure Power Plant with CFL's

    wow looking damn good there dr. your journals have gotten crazy responses youve picked up quick on the garndenin eh i guess u were just born with a green thumb ha ha i gotta get some pics of myn up here but there still babys.....awsome job bro and i noticed you switched to HPS how many watts...