First Grow - In tent- 600w HPS


Well-Known Member

well just over a week into 12/12 and everything is looking good i think :)

the time came to separate the boys from the girls :(

wasn't looking forward to this as i feel quite bad about getting rid of the boys, i didn't want to kill them straight away so i have placed them outside for now.

i live in the UK so they wont last long.

Out of my 7 plants i have 3 girls :bigjoint:

not bad? of course more would've been nice but i feel that 3 is a very manageable number for a first time grower.

I have 2 female AK-48 and also my hindu kush which i really thought was a boy turned out to be a female which i am most happy about.

out of all my plants i really wanted this to be female and it was!!

here's some pictures

Hindu Kush

Group shot

Group shot

Group shot

so far so good!

long way to go but feeling very hopefull :bigjoint:


anything smokeable off male plants? thanks


Well-Known Member
time for an update me thinks....

nearing the end of 3rd week of flowering.

all is well...



Well-Known Member
lookin real nice bro
cheers, for checkinhgit out and commenting.

just looked back at some pics.

it's almost unbelievable that the pic of that small weedy hindu kush has turned into the plant it is today. what a wonderful process it is :D


Well-Known Member
whut up B.. lookin good :joint: :peace:
het mna, thanks :D

Well done sir, well done. I'm growing in an attic as well. Its hydro though and in a grow cab.
thanks, cool to hear there's some other attic growers out there :D

got a journal?

those are looking really good.... can't wait so see that hindu kush grow out I had a nice looking hindu but unfortunately it turned out to be male. Keep mother earth green :}
hi, thanks :D

i can't wait either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah started my journal today.

How did you get the link to your journal? Is it on your signature?

not sure i know exactly what you mean.

do you mean where can you find the link for your journal to show others?


do you want to know how i put my link in my signature?


Well-Known Member

Here's how things are looking today 29/10/08

we are at day 23 of flowering

just added 5 meters of mylar to my area. lets see if it improves anything.....

peace.... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Looking great :hump: I can see your well on your way. Keep it up :)

I'm at day 55 of flower with my grow...check it out. Lots of bud porn.