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  1. Chipp

    7 gallon buckets

    mygirls, thanks for all the info man. I'll be starting a grow journal in a couple weeks when I germinate... This weekend, though... It's time to build a box!! 4x4 is a bit too big for where I'm thinking about, so I don't think I'm going to aim for a monster this time around (I'm just a young...
  2. Chipp

    7 gallon buckets

    details on that? what strain was that (or at least species), and how long was it veg-ing for? just curious. I can't decide whether to do a 5 gallon or 7 gallon bucket.. I guess with a 7 gallon I could just keep topping the plant if it was getting too tall.... decisions, decisions..
  3. Chipp

    7 gallon buckets

    I'm gonna hijack this thread just a bit to ask mygirls a question - you seem pretty knowledgeable on larger plants. So here goes. I'm heading to home depot /etc in a few days to buy some materials to make a grow box. I only want to grow 1 plant (just for me :) ), but I figure, why not just...
  4. Chipp

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    haha clearly someone is using magical seeds for that... pretty much im worried that the growbox im constructing today might be too small..what dimensions would you recommend to house one plant of that size? (the size of theone in the first post that was 4-cola'd)
  5. Chipp

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Cool method - I think I will do it on my grow soon. I'm a turbo noob and had some Q's: 1. About how long was that plant on the first page veging (the one that yielded like 10oz) before it was put into flowering? 2. How much did the plant shoot up in height/bushiness once it was put into...
  6. Chipp

    Dimensions of a box for 1 plant

    Hey everyone, I'm almost positive that this question has been answered somewhere, but I have searched a bit. Maybe a quick answer will be painless from somebody. Question: I am going to grow 1 plant (Super Lemon Haze) in soil. I won't be doing any LST or anything, just a normal grow in soil...
  7. Chipp

    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    Hmm... I wonder why greenman's seedbank ratings only gave it a 2 star? I read this entire thread, and also a super long thread at the gardenscure, and everyone raved about this place. The order I placed had great prices too... Now we can only hope it germinates okay... :weed:
  8. Chipp

    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    Quick question for everyone who has ordered international shipping with the SUPER STEALTH OPTION (in the T-shirt). Were the seeds still in the breeder's packaging? I like the sounds of the super stealth shipping, but I'd still like the seeds to be in the original packaging! I'm JUST about to...
  9. Chipp

    LST vs non-LST questions: Stress & Yield

    Yeah, I think I will... In terms of yield though, you think it'd be better to LST for 5 weeks or just grow it up and top it for that same time?
  10. Chipp

    LST vs non-LST questions: Stress & Yield

    Hey all, So, I'm in the planning stages of my first grow :)... I've been reading like a fiend for weeks and weeks, and wow am I taking in a lot of information. I've got just a couple questions now before I pull the trigger and start buying the stuff I need. Here goes: 1. LST vs non LST: I...
  11. Chipp

    SC3Stoner's 150w HPS Circular LST

    If you google search "Circular LST", your grow journal is the first hit!! Congrats - make sure to keep us in the loop man
  12. Chipp

    SC3Stoner's 150w HPS Circular LST

    1st post... This grow has me very curious - I love it! I'll be checking in frequently... I hope this goes well! Just a vague question - if you wanted that LST to go all the way around the pot, how long (in total) do you think that plant would be in veg for? Thanks!