Search results

  1. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Update - Day 1: We're on Day 1 now! Hazel has shown her cotyledons today, and an ever so small inkling of her first true set of leaves. I've got some plastic wrap still sitting over top, but I think I'm going to remove it later on this evening (approximately 5-10 hours from this pictures...
  2. Chipp

    The Attitude Seedbank

    My Super Lemon Haze from them arrived in great time, and the one seed i've tried to germ so far cracked in less than 24 hours, and looked great!
  3. Chipp

    When is "Day 1" ?

    The first day they sprout *AND* you put them under the light? I'd assume you put them under the light BEFORE they sprout, aka you plant them once they're germinated and get the lights on, then they sprout. Anyways, nickname = superlemonhazer? Check out my grow journal. That's actually the...
  4. Chipp

    When is "Day 1" ?

    Thanks for the quick answer! Done & Done...
  5. Chipp

    When is "Day 1" ?

    Is there a general consensus of when "Day 1" is for your grow? I started to germinate my seeds yesterday, they cracked today and I planted them. Is day 1: a) When you start to germinate them b) When they crack (when you plant em) c) When they sprout Thanks guys...!
  6. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Update: Still going by Green House Seed Co.'s method, today I took the seed from the cup of water and placed it between two plates and damp paper towel. The seed had already cracked, and was displaying an ever so small root tip. Take a look! Sorry about the picture quality. My digital camera...
  7. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Grow Update: I just set my seed to germinate (using the method on green house's webpage). So, it's only a matter of time until it cracks (I hope!) Responses: Yeah, I'm really excited to see it in action. I've done so much reading, and I'm going to try really hard to do it all right the first...
  8. Chipp

    How many people know about your grow?

    Man, I know the feeling! I'm just starting up, and I want to tell all my friends! I've never kept anything from any of my friends before, so it's a weird feeling when I have to keep something this big a secret!
  9. Chipp

    How many people know about your grow?

    Like the title says how many people know about your grow, besides you? This would really only include people you know in real life. I think this should be interesting!
  10. Chipp

    430watt cfl grow

    I don't know the answer but I'll let you know why you aren't getting a response: details! What is the strain? What size pots? How long are you vegging them for? etc.... Add some more details and hopefully some knowledgeable people will stop in and answer
  11. Chipp

    Heres what cfl's can do

    I'm just starting up a single to-be 5-gallon pot plant (Super Lemon Haze), and I plan on having at least 300 W on the one plant. You seem have gotten an awesome plant there... Any tips on what you did with your grow? How long did you veg that for? Did you cut out any undergrowth for better light...
  12. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Alright, so after months of reading this forum, I'm finally ready to begin my first grow ever. Let me get out as many details as I can right now in an easy-to-reference manner. Name: Hazel (what I'll call her throughout :) ) Strain: Green House's Super Lemon Haze (Feminized) # of Plants: One...
  13. Chipp

    Light socket to AC Plug

    Ahh, thank you! I found one of the socket->AC outlet pieces at a home hardware's friggin 3.99 each though, and theyare obviously made of 1 piece of plastic and 2 pieces of metal. Oh well.. I guess I have no other option...
  14. Chipp

    Light socket to AC Plug

    Yeah honestly I have no idea what is wrong, when I click those links it just says "The product is currently not available" and it doesn't give me anything. Maybe it's cause I'm in canada or something...Ah well... I guess I'll just hunt around some more!
  15. Chipp

    Light socket to AC Plug

    That gives me some search results, and I think I'm blind, because none of those 16 results seems like what I need. Jeeze... Maybe I've been searching for this all wrong or something. If you could toss me the link for the exact item, that'd be awesome. Also, what about this...
  16. Chipp

    Light socket to AC Plug

    I'm gonnna bump this up just once. I've friggin been everywhere around town and I have no ideas left. Anything that seems reasonable costs like 10+ dollars.... Also, reflector lights for CFLs with the aluminum thing around it - would you guys guess home depot? I only really want 1 of them...
  17. Chipp

    Light socket to AC Plug

    I was wondering where people find these locally - a light socket bulb, standard size, on one end, and an AC plug (for your wall outlet) at the other end. I found a website here (, and the prices seem okay, but I should be...
  18. Chipp

    1 gallon pots & root bound?

    I'm gonna bump this thread to follow up on this. What are some other people's opinions on this? If I wanted a plant around 4-5 feet in height, do I want this coming out of a 3 gallon pot or a 5 gallon pot? Are these fungus problems justified with a larger pot in terms of constantly wet soil...
  19. Chipp

    Anyone bought from "Attitude Seeds Bank"??

    I got the Stealth delivery in a t-shirt, I ordered and it arrived in exactly one week! I'm in Canada, if that makes a difference. The packaging was pretty good - the seeds I ordered were in the original breeders packaging, tucked away sneakily in the t-shirt. I've yet to germ them, so stay tuned.
  20. Chipp

    Ideas for Light Positioning

    I'm not sure if there is a dedicated thread on this - if so, my bad... Anyways, I'd like to hear peoples idea's for positioning lights around a plant. Obviously, in a perfect CFL world, the lights are positioned all around the plant in ridiculous manners to get the lights always closest to the...