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  1. Green Revolution

    i need help on pest control

    Yellow sticky traps are a growers best friend, I highly suggest you invest in some if you haven't already. Neem is great, Azamax and Azatrol are better concentrated versions. Both are OMRI listed too which rocks. Don't foliar spray or drench with it after week 2 of flower though, it is a...
  2. Green Revolution

    This is one funky plant... Three full branches from main node... WTF?

    You are describing trilateral branching also known as Whorled Phylotaxy. It is common amongst South American Sativa strains. What strain are you growing? Example:
  3. Green Revolution

    Crazy Mutated Leaves

    So right now I have some Green Cush x Black Domina I have been experimenting with in my lab. Check out the leaf mutation on this guy, Siamese twins! :o
  4. Green Revolution

    Brown Algae, who's dealt with it?

    OK, update... I have Physan 20'ed my entire grow room and installed a UV sterilizer in my reservoir. I added 1ml/10G Physan 20 to my reservoir and circulated for 24 hours, I manually cleaned and removed dead roots and then flushed with H202 & RO water for 3 days. First signs of...
  5. Green Revolution

    Brown Algae, who's dealt with it?

    So I recently invested in a CAP ebb and grow knockoff after hearing rave reviews on its ease of use, little maintenance, yada yada yada... Well, just like the CAP, my buckets happen to leave an inch or so of water stagnant in the bottom when they drain. I tried raising them an inch which...
  6. Green Revolution

    Question about grow tents

    Yes, most have crossbars to hang lights, fans, carbon filters, etc. You will need to buy the bunjis, chains, ratchets, etc. And don't waste your time or money on tin foil. Its been tested and proven practically worthless. Same goes for mirrors. Plus your setup will most likely end up looking...
  7. Green Revolution

    Grow Tent Cooling Question I have one of these cooling a 600W HPS in a 5X5 tent. Admittedly, they cost a bit to set up, but this thing is blowing cold air out the hood exhaust just like an AC. You can daisy chain multiple lights on one heat exchanger too. The manual recommends...
  8. Green Revolution

    Light Question: Can you break up the hours of light or just go all hours at once I have one of these cooling a 600W HPS in a 5X5 tent. Admittedly, they cost a bit to set up, but this thing is blowing cold air out the hood exhaust just like an AC. You can daisy chain multiple lights on one heat exchanger too. The manual recommends...
  9. Green Revolution

    Are you guys ever scared?

    Jusy pay in cash (or prepaid credit card) and don't drive a vehicle registered to the address housing your grow. You'll be fine. Feed your ladies and tell your fella to quit being such a spaz. Overparanoia can be as bad as carelessness if taken far enough.