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  1. Green Revolution

    GrowLab 80 Setup

    I have a couple Growlab 80L's as my veg chambers, I like using the 4' 8-Bulb T5's in each. I recommend adding shelving and you can fit in two tables to grow stacked on top of one another. A small 4" inline or squirrel cage fan or a 8" booster fan installed in the ceiling will work for each...
  2. Green Revolution

    BBQ Stealth flower box

    Umm dude, wouldn't this have to be kept outside? If you're growing stealth, it's obvious security is already an issue. What happens when you open it up to water them at night and light up the whole damn neighborhood? DOH! Looks like it's back to the drawing board for now my friend.:eyesmoke:
  3. Green Revolution

    Do Mosquito Dunks Affect PH? PPM?

    I was about to toss a mosquito dunk in my reservoir to kill a minor fungus gnat infestation, but first a couple questions for whoever may be reading... Has anyone here used these in a recirculating hydro system before? Did it cause your PH to swing upwards and out of parameters? Did it buffer...
  4. Green Revolution

    How do YOU adjust reservoir PH?

    Ok Rollitup, How do YOU adjust your PH when renewing your res? Before adding nutes? After? Both? :confused: I do both personally but was just curious what everyone else did. Has one method been proven more effective? Any insight into your reasoning or comments in regards to water chemistry are...
  5. Green Revolution

    Extending Photoperiod While Flowering

    I was smoking my morning bowl today when a idea came to mind: What would happen if you went to 12/12 to trigger flowering and then 2 weeks later, slowly added 15 minutes at a time each week, ending with a 14 hr day or less? Could this perhaps increase yields by adding those extra hours of...
  6. Green Revolution

    Would you trim fan leaves in the vegging stage

    The only time I trim fan leaves is to remove infection or improve air circulation, which as we all know is VERY important depending on your grow environment and locale. Keep in mind, powdery mildew is a mother fucker and certain strains are more susceptible than others. Once plants are over...
  7. Green Revolution

    Nutrient Recipes? Who's got em?

    Sadly, I currently only own a couple mac's so Hydrobuddy isn't available to me. For the sake of discussion, I will concede that mixing micro's could take a reasonable amount of time, nonetheless, (as far as hydro is concerned) I would rather just open a bottle or two, and VIOLA, done. I don't...
  8. Green Revolution

    sea of green help

    So you're top-dressing hydroton with coco? Just curious, what motivated this choice?
  9. Green Revolution

    Nutrient Recipes? Who's got em?

    Are you in this to grow and develop the finest medicine/dank, or be a fertilizer machine? There are only so many hours in a day to get things DONE. Hydro nutes are cheap and effective. There are plenty of choices, organic, etc... Would you rather be dosing nutes in exact amounts all day or...
  10. Green Revolution

    Weird pattern on leaves, please help diagnose !!

    To kill them use a product called Azamax and drench the soil, it is a neem based systemic pesticide that will stay in the plant for a couple weeks or even more perhaps so I wouldn't use within a month of harvesting. Don't try to foliar spray them into submission, they are inside the leaves...
  11. Green Revolution

    I fucking hate trimming!

    How bad do the buds get beat up FDD? Is it a realistic option for a decent manicure or just a "hack-em-up machine?"
  12. Green Revolution

    I fucking hate trimming!

    So far this looks like the best auto trimmer I've come across, I totally dig the no power concept. I wish I could see extremely high def pictures of the finished buds!
  13. Green Revolution

    I fucking hate trimming!

    Wow, I don't check RIU for a night and my thread turned into a giant name calling contest. Some of you guys crack me up, seriously. To anyone who thinks I'm an arrogant, whining, lazy child, afraid of some hard work just for complaining about how trimming can be a bitch.... get real. Have you...
  14. Green Revolution

    I fucking hate trimming!

    See, what I don't get is, where does that $2K go? Its essentially a fan/blade and a housing, whooptiedoo. I KNOW I could DIY but I just don't want to deal with the hassle. It seems like anything made for growing immediately means it gets a price tag of 10x what would normally be considered...
  15. Green Revolution

    I fucking hate trimming!

    OK, it has been quite a few hours, beers, fast food meals and snapper bowls, and I am done trimming. I have been working on cleaning up my language, but to be plain honest, that FUCKING SUCKED. I do it all by hand with fine clippers and a bright light over glass, takes forever, but when you are...
  16. Green Revolution

    Brown Algae, who's dealt with it?

    Around $50 at Petco. I made it a week and the slime is back. Not nearly as bad though. I did another Physan treatment and I an preparing to battle this crud with beneficial bacteria at this point. I'm sure the sterilizer is keeping all the other creepy crawlies at bay but so far, ineffective...
  17. Green Revolution

    Which chiller for ice boxes and 7 1000w xxxl magnums?

    Tried the iceboxes, biggest waste of time and frustration EVER. Do yourself a HUGE favor, buy a portable AC, smoke a bowl and call it a day.
  18. Green Revolution

    This is one funky plant... Three full branches from main node... WTF?

    Pruning green healthy leaves is rarely a good thing. You are stressing the plant by reducing its ability to photosynthesize and thereby will slow growth. Cloning individual leaves is also going to leave you very disappointed. You need to take a cut with multiple nodes, preferably from the bottom...
  19. Green Revolution

    This is one funky plant... Three full branches from main node... WTF?

    Strange, so when looking straight down at the plant, does it still resemble the standard + shape? On a typical plant each node will usually have a 2 fan leaves with a couple branching off shoots above them. Are you getting all fan leaves? One fan leaf with an off shoot on top AND bottom? Lets...