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  1. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    ok, well, i lost the baby of the group. not really sure what went wrong. the soil might have been too wet or something. anyway, the other two still seem to be doing alright, but i'm still not sure about the yellow spots i'm getting on the one plant. plant 1, day 13 plant 2, day 6
  2. spiralstaircase13

    yellow spots

    i really don't think this is an issue with overwatering. i've only been giving them about a tablespoon of water every day, and the soil is always dry by the time i water.
  3. spiralstaircase13

    yellow spots

    this plant is about 13 days old. i've noticed these yellow spots developing on the leaves over the last couple days. not really sure what the problem is. i've only used water so far and i'm using MG soil. its not a heat issue i don't think as temps don't really go over 75. just wanting to...
  4. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    so i've noticed some yellow spots developing on the second set of leaves on my bigger girl over the last couple days and i'm not exactly sure what the cause is. it looks like it might be a deficiency of some sort. i really doubt its a heat thing as it rarely gets over 75. i also think it...
  5. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    i have 2 20w daylight bulbs and there is one 20w soft white bulb. all CFLs of course. and yeah, i'm planning on putting up something reflective on the walls, i just haven't gotten the time or motivation yet. sadly, homework still has to come first (real homework).
  6. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    alright, here they are. the baby, day 1 #2, day 5 #1, day 12
  7. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    plant #3 came up today. all of them looking good. pics either a little later or tomorrow. probably tomorrow given the current state...:P
  8. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    just a couple pics. went to walmart today and was unsuccessful in finding a fan, so i'll have to look somewhere else. also got some tape put on the cups to keep light off the roots. anyway, here they are plant 1 day 10 plant 2 day 3
  9. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    yeah, its set for 5 hours dark right now. i think i will switch it to 24/0 and give it a couple days to see if it helps.
  10. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    the girls are looking good today, and looks like #3 should be showing her face by tomorrow. when the lights are on temps are staying around 75, but i checked the min and it got all the way down to 55 last night while the lights were off. just wondering if this is going to slow things down at all?
  11. spiralstaircase13

    first time grow, bad conditions

    i'm not using any yet. i want to give them at least a few weeks before i start them on nutes. i'm using miracle grow soil, so they shouldn't need anything extra for now anyway.
  12. spiralstaircase13

    first time grow, bad conditions

    if your interested to see what i've done you can check out my journal. its nothing fancy, but might give you a few ideas.
  13. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    ok, so here's my homemade version of a cheap hood for my lamps. cardboard, tin foil, and tape. lol the little one day 2 her big sister day 9
  14. spiralstaircase13

    first time grow, bad conditions

    haha, this sounds exactly like me a few months back. but be careful, you get really into it! lol. good luck!
  15. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    yeah, i keep meaning to look into a small fan. i'm not sure how easy it will be to find one right now considering there is about 3 feet of snow outside and below freezing temps. i have feeling fans aren't really in high demand right now, but i will do some looking in the next week or two. i...
  16. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    i checked out some of your threads and it sounds like your in kinda the same boat i was on my very very first try. this one is actually the 3 attempt. but anyway, i'm sure you'll get there. i've been slowly refining my setup over about 4 months now cuz i can really only add to it when i have...
  17. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    just a couple things i forgot to mention... i do have my lights set on an 18/6 timer and i have a thermometer to keep track of temps. one thing i was wondering about is if there is anyway to bring the humidity up without needing a humidifier? i'm not going to worry about it too much, but its...
  18. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    thanks for the suggestion. i'm sure i can rig something up that would work.
  19. spiralstaircase13

    first grow (very low tech)

    yeah, i realized after i posted i messed the pics up, but they should be up now. and thanks. i'll check it out.