first grow (very low tech)


Well-Known Member
so this has been more of a science experiment than a really serious attempt at growing. i really just wanted to see if i could do it and be even remotely successful with my limited means. but anyway, i've actually made other attempts before this that didn't make it very far at all (i won't go into it). so i studied up a bit on some basics and talked to a few friends and now here we are. just a sidenote, all my seeds are bagseed from pretty decent mids.

my setup is pretty basic. just a particle board box (which is actually my tv stand) with a towel over the front a few cfl's. and now a few pics:

well, here is the first baby. germinated and then planted a couple seeds and left for the weekend and when i got home this is what was waiting for me.

and here she (hopefully a she) is at 1 week

and well, since girls can tend to get lonely, i germinated a few more seeds and planted a second round so she could have some friends. this little one came up today and i'm hoping for one more soon to round it out to 3

and last here's just a shot looking in my ghetto grow box. lol.

if i weren't for the most part totally broke i could probably do it up a little nicer than this. but like i said, its more of just a fun science project that if it works out will have a very happy ending!


Well-Known Member
i would use pop cans to build as little hoods over your lights... it will direct more light flow at all 3 plants rather than spreading it around the entire box...


Well-Known Member
you should definitely join that group i showed you that way if you run into major problems there will be a group to post it to...


Well-Known Member
just a couple things i forgot to mention...

i do have my lights set on an 18/6 timer and i have a thermometer to keep track of temps. one thing i was wondering about is if there is anyway to bring the humidity up without needing a humidifier? i'm not going to worry about it too much, but its the middle of winter here and i'm sure that the air is really dry. just want to give the kids the best conditions i can without having to spend much.


Well-Known Member
lol A LOT better than mine man if you want il show u my box....make you feel better :D
i checked out some of your threads and it sounds like your in kinda the same boat i was on my very very first try. this one is actually the 3 attempt. but anyway, i'm sure you'll get there. i've been slowly refining my setup over about 4 months now cuz i can really only add to it when i have a little cash.


Well-Known Member
i would run 24/0 for lights all through veg... i never run 18/6... ive have heard its better to do the 24/0 cycle....


Well-Known Member
also i couldn't tell whether you were running a fan or not... but for 5 bucks i grabbed a small fan and its good to have to keep air circulating around your plant... it will also help strengthen the stems to hold more bud


Well-Known Member
yeah, i keep meaning to look into a small fan. i'm not sure how easy it will be to find one right now considering there is about 3 feet of snow outside and below freezing temps. i have feeling fans aren't really in high demand right now, but i will do some looking in the next week or two.

i just got some daylight cfl's instead of the ones i had that were the warm tone and a humidity and temp monitor. i also plan on figuring something out as hoods for my lights like you suggested HiOnHydro. so maybe a couple pics later today...


Well-Known Member
i went into walmart a couple weeks ago and was able to pick two up... try there if you have 1 near by...


Well-Known Member
ok, so here's my homemade version of a cheap hood for my lamps. cardboard, tin foil, and tape. lol

the little one day 2

her big sister day 9


Well-Known Member
the girls are looking good today, and looks like #3 should be showing her face by tomorrow. when the lights are on temps are staying around 75, but i checked the min and it got all the way down to 55 last night while the lights were off. just wondering if this is going to slow things down at all?


Well-Known Member
are you still having the 8 hours of darkness?? because if your are then running 24/0 should keep the temperature fairly steady the whole time