first grow (very low tech)


Well-Known Member
The more light the better... until you start to flower the darkness period isn't all that important...


Well-Known Member
just a couple pics. went to walmart today and was unsuccessful in finding a fan, so i'll have to look somewhere else. also got some tape put on the cups to keep light off the roots.

anyway, here they are
plant 1 day 10

plant 2 day 3


Well-Known Member
the plants are looking nice... but as soon as you get a fan onto your babies they will begin to strengthen a great deal on the stem... its a shame you dont live near me... i went into a zellers and wal-mart 2 days ago and both had fans on sale... Anyways good luck with the rest of your grow


Well-Known Member
plant #3 came up today. all of them looking good. pics either a little later or tomorrow. probably tomorrow given the current state...:P


Well-Known Member
Try putting up some foil in there until you can get some Mylar or other shiny stuff. What CFLs are you using in there right now?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 20w daylight bulbs and there is one 20w soft white bulb. all CFLs of course. and yeah, i'm planning on putting up something reflective on the walls, i just haven't gotten the time or motivation yet. sadly, homework still has to come first (real homework).


Well-Known Member
so i've noticed some yellow spots developing on the second set of leaves on my bigger girl over the last couple days and i'm not exactly sure what the cause is. it looks like it might be a deficiency of some sort. i really doubt its a heat thing as it rarely gets over 75. i also think it might be time to put her in something a little roomier to give her some more root space. i've held off with the nutes till now since i didn't want to overfeed them since i'm using MG soil. but, i gave the big one a tiny bit of week nutes with her watering today to see if it helps. i'll try and get a pic up in a while, but for now the camera is charging...


Well-Known Member
ok, well, i lost the baby of the group. not really sure what went wrong. the soil might have been too wet or something. anyway, the other two still seem to be doing alright, but i'm still not sure about the yellow spots i'm getting on the one plant.

plant 1, day 13

plant 2, day 6


Well-Known Member
got both the girls put into new pots today. i'm going to start investigating getting a couple more lights in my setup now that they are starting to get bigger. still on the lookout for a small fan too.


Well-Known Member
both plants seem to have taken the transplant really well. i'm still getting some yellowing on the one plant and am not sure what to do for it. the other plant doesn't seem to have any problems, so if anybody has any ideas let me know.

plant 1, day 16

plant 2, day 9


Active Member
Looking good man. I would definitely suggest more lights though, and much bigger. I would say AT LEAST use 42W CFLs or 45w if you can find them. Bigger would be better, but you can still do a decent grow with 45w. You might want to start slowly introducing your plants to fertilizers. Mix it half or quarter strength for the first two feedings or so to make sure they don't burn. Make sure you're not using tap water. Do those things and the yellow spots should go away. Keep it up man.


Well-Known Member
i definitely think i have 2 different strains, which is cool, i just hope they both turn out to be girls! anyway, i will probably put up some new pics tomorrow.

also, i have to go out of town for about a week soon and i unfortunately don't have anyone to be a babysitter for the kids while i'm gone. so i guess i'm just wondering if i water them real good before i leave if they will be alright till i get back?


Well-Known Member
anybody have any suggestions on how long to veg before topping plants? i don't have a lot of vertical space unless i can figure out some other place to move my setup to, but i wanted to top my plants to make the most of them with the amount of space i have.