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  1. Downey

    Medical Card Question

    Yes u can just tell them that u have insomnia and migraines. That's what I got mine for actually. U can even get a card for stress or alcoholism lol Hope that helps
  2. Downey

    Hi everyone new here . How are you all ?

    Not sure but the site ppl will prob take care of it for u Feel free to email me if u have more ?s tho my email is [email protected]
  3. Downey

    Hi everyone new here . How are you all ?

    Funny I was just going to ask if they were 18 right before u posted lol u type fast
  4. Downey

    Hi everyone new here . How are you all ?

    See u in a few years lol
  5. Downey

    Hi everyone new here . How are you all ?

    I see what u mean now I do not intentionally suck fresh air after a bong hit and don't think u need to. Inhaling the smoke then exhale is what I do....but I guess it depends on the person and they way they like to smoke
  6. Downey

    Hi everyone new here . How are you all ?

    Welcome to RIU ur gonna love this site. Umm....I don't understand what ur friend was tryin to tell u sorry but congrats of ur first high!
  7. Downey

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    bull dykes- plz explain why you can just talk to ur chick about these problems u guys are having. if you guys can make it work WHY DON'T you guys just spit up? how long have you guys been together anyways?
  8. Downey

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    this whole thread is pointless but entertaining
  9. Downey

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    let me know when the cops come AGAIN so i can laugh at ur stupidity when u get arrested for DV
  10. Downey

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    you deserve a backhand for that one get off ur lazy ass and do them urself man
  11. Downey

    Been 2 weeks in 12/12 1st gros is there any signs of vegetation?

    i dont know how to do that
  12. Downey

    Been 2 weeks in 12/12 1st gros is there any signs of vegetation?

    on the biggest leaf i can see about the mid of plant slightly to the left you can see little white spots....looks like pm to me but of course it would be better if there was a closer picture
  13. Downey

    neem oil help

  14. Downey

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    of course i could.....just wanted to comment on his whining
  15. Downey

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    let me get this straight you stopped showering dont want ur feet to turn orange?