Been 2 weeks in 12/12 1st gros is there any signs of vegetation?



kbo ca

Active Member
i can see your powdery mildew problem starting. Shitty shit man good luck getting rid of that


Well-Known Member
Look at ur plants do u see little white spots that look like white dust or fuzz kinda that is powdery mildew, I had that problem on some of my plants. My pm was caused by high humidity but i believe there are other things that can cause it to. I got some serenade spray to get rid of the problem for me. There are tons of threads about pm that r very helpful just look around this site


Well-Known Member
I can see pre-flowers so yes they should produce bud but u need to take care of that pm prob cuz it will infect ur flowers when they
Come and u definitely do not want to smoke that shit


Well-Known Member
I used serenade to get rid of it and it worked for me but I see lots of ppl say that it didn't work for them, I have here of ppl using neem oil, sulfer burners or fungicides that u can use on fruits and vegetables. Try starting a new thread about ur pm problem and ask ppl what they do to fix the prob. U can also check YouTube there are tons of videos about pm and treating it. I have been using serenade for a few weeks now and so far it works great and it's safe to use up till harvest. Just make sure that any spray u use on ur plant s is safe to put of fruits and veggies, if it's safe to eat then it should be fine to smoke

kbo ca

Active Member
just look at your leaf tops man those white circles are pm. It starts on the soil, works it's way up the stems and then settles on the leaves. I bet there are white spots all over your stems, just take a close look next time you do your watering.


Well-Known Member
that is not how powdery mildew spreads..... Mildew spores move in the wind, they don't crawl up stems from the soil..... After looking at some of your posts, you truly have no idea what you are talking about in reference to growing marijuana or any other plant for that matter.

just look at your leaf tops man those white circles are pm. It starts on the soil, works it's way up the stems and then settles on the leaves. I bet there are white spots all over your stems, just take a close look next time you do your watering.


Well-Known Member
PM isn't that hard to get rid, if you have any idea of what to do. And I don't see how you can spot any PM from those photos.... :roll:

i can see your powdery mildew problem starting. Shitty shit man good luck getting rid of that