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  1. Downey

    Cigarettes And Healthy Lungs

    i agree dont ever start again just try givin it a little while longer then maybe you wont miss it at all.....just keep thinking about all the terrible stuff it does and all the reason why you stopped to begin with....i wish i had never started smoking cigs....ive tried to quit many times and...
  2. Downey

    i know im going to get alot of positive feed back for this...

    there was a thread about a chick and a dude having some probs in their relationship...titles sumthing like my gf is crazy cops came to the house.......pretty interesting comments in their maybe it had something to do with that.....
  3. Downey

    thanks for the update ur plants are looking pretty good man can wait to see more...

    thanks for the update ur plants are looking pretty good man can wait to see more...
  4. Downey

    White Powdery Mildew ?

    i use serenade for my pm problems and its works great for me....i have heard of ppl useing neem oil(works better as a preventitive), sulfer burners, serenade, eagle 20, h2o2, and some other water/baking soda mixes but i have not heard of rosemary oil....
  5. Downey

    White Powdery Mildew ?

    i wouldnt smoke it...could be dangerous but thats just me...ive heard ppl say they went to the hospital because they smoked moldy bud but ive also heard ppl say its not that i said i wouldnt do it but thats just could ask your doctor if u have one....
  6. Downey


    agian im pretty sure that its about 8 weeks from seed unless you throw them into flower then i beleve that they should start showing signs within a week or so after you throw them into flower. i got my plants as clones and they were showing signs of sex a couple of weeks after i got...
  7. Downey


    not sure i think its about 8 weeks till plants start showing signs of sex but again im not to sure thats just what ive heard....
  8. Downey

    how am i doing

    it should be fine just be carful with heaters and such in ur room. and def. get that light as close as you can man.... welcome to RIU good luck with ur grow man
  9. Downey

    Mold !!!

    yeah i heard about that eagle stuff but i didnt want to use anything that wasnt organic but i have heard it works really well. the serenade has been working for me ur right thats its worked for some and not others. i think its because they think its gone so they stop spraying and then BOOM it...
  10. Downey

    So that 25 mile Radius Rule

    lol oops.....
  11. Downey


    Did any of these help?
  12. Downey


    PS: you should invest in a camera when you get a chance it will help you get a lot more accurate answers for ne probs you may need to talk about
  13. Downey


    heres a pic of a hermi look the same or no?
  14. Downey


    does something look familiar to you?
  15. Downey

    Mold !!!

    Def. Spray or rub on some how I don't recall anything about vaporize or burning it
  16. Downey

    Mold !!!

    Not sure like I said never used it myself but I'm sure it will tell you in the directions. There are a few videos about it on YouTube tho u could check those out and see how they apply it. :)
  17. Downey

    Mold !!!

    I know that humidity probs and overcrowding can cause pm problems. I have heard that using neem oil before u get pm is a good way to prevent pm problems but I have not tried it personally. See a lot of ppl say it really works tho and I believe it's good for ur plants too
  18. Downey

    Fer sure I'm still pretty new to this but if I can help I'm always willing, I try not to answer...

    Fer sure I'm still pretty new to this but if I can help I'm always willing, I try not to answer ?s unless I have at least some idea of what's goin on lol thanks for the comments. Stay high!
  19. Downey

    moving. please help!

    i would have to agree...
  20. Downey

    Mold !!!

    Ne time glad to help.