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    TGA , stretching and falling over please help!!!!

    I wouldn't change the type of soil, stick to what your currently using and if it doesn't grow then you know for next time. If you change the type of soil now, you might end up killing the plant but if you leave it as it is, it will probably keep growing the way it is now. Move the light closer...
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    when can you harvest marijuana?

    I think the plants could be ready for harvest anytime of year depending on where you are in the world. You should probably plant your seeds in the beginning of spring when the days are getting longer. That way the plant will have time to grow and then near the end of summer when the days start...
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    Please help, on my first light cycle.

    You should do whichever you prefer or is easier. If it works better to keep them off then go for it as either way can work. I personally keep it off so its quite when the lights are out. Not sure about the drip though...
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    Should I add more light to newly planted seed?

    I think 200w is more then enough. Instead of adding more light, just make sure that the lights are close enough to the plant. Are you using CFL's?
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    4th Week of Flowering - Do I need to add nutrients?

    Would super-cropping stunt/stress out the plant? And if not, can you suggest any specific techniques? My plan is to keep it in flowering for up to 11 weeks do to time restrictions.
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    TGA , stretching and falling over please help!!!!

    First, transplant each one to its own pot, even if its just a paper cup. Next, get a few straws from Mcdonald's or something (a juice box straw wont work)..and place each of the stems inside of the straw to help keep it straight. I wouldn't suggest changing the type of soil..I tried it once and...
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    4th Week of Flowering - Do I need to add nutrients?

    They have been in that soil since I planted them (November 10th).
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    Advice on my build

    For lighting use CFL's.. Also, heres a good link for info on nutrients:
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    Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this

    You should definitely re-pot each plant separately.. And I agree for lighting you should do 18/6 but 20/4 can also work..Whatever time you pick, just keep it consistent so you don't stress out the plant. Also, if you find that the stem is falling over, you can use a straw to keep it up.
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    4th Week of Flowering - Do I need to add nutrients?

    I'm currently in the middle of my 4th week of flowering and the plant is being grown in Miracle Grow soil (with time released nutrients). By the looks of it, should I add any additional nutrients or should I just let it be? Heres what I read about Miracle Grow and adding nutrients: "If you...
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    Miracle Grow Soil - What Nutrients can I add in flowering?

    The plant will be 2 months old tomorrow. I had a little trouble getting it going in the beginning due to a lighting situation, but it seems to have grown nicely since then.
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    Miracle Grow Soil - What Nutrients can I add in flowering?

    Ok sounds good. Thanks for the help!
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    Miracle Grow Soil - What Nutrients can I add in flowering?

    Does anyone know if I should add additional nutrients during flowering if I have used Miracle Grow Soil (with time released nutrients). I know its not the best option, but its too late to change it and the plant seems to be doing well. I would like to switch it over to flowering soon and read...
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    Question about CFL Lights

    Ok cool...I think I'll try that out.
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    Question about CFL Lights

    What about a 4100k? Can I throw that in there as well? Thanks for the help.
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    Question about CFL Lights

    Thanks man. I appreciate it.
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    Question about CFL Lights

    I have a few cfl bulbs at home however I do not know which ones are daylight bulbs and which are cool white bulbs. Can anyone tell me which one is the yellow looking one and if thats the one for veg?? I'm assuming the yellow light is the daylight and the white is the soft white?
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    Organic Sea Soil Questions

    So do you think it would be alright to plant my seedling in the SeaSoil Garden mix? It was the only one available and I heard SeaSoil was a good option.
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    Organic Sea Soil Questions

    Hey, Does anyone know the difference between the original Organic Sea Soil and the Organic Sea Soil Gardening mix? Is it ok to use the gardening mix? I know the gardening mix has Peat Moss and Perlite but is there any other difference?
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    What Can I say Im growing??

    Hey thanks guys. Much appreciated.