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    Emergency Flush Question

    Ok great. Thanks for the help!
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    Emergency Flush Question

    I was thinking I cut the top bud site today, and then leave the rest to grow for a few more days. That way more light can reach the lower bud sites which still seem to have clear trichomes.
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    Emergency Flush Question

    Ok thanks for the tips! I keep hearing that with MG and additional nutes I will get a harsh smoke that tastes like chemicals...But I think I will go through the harvest and curing section before doing anything drastic just yet.
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    Period of Darkness or 12/12 for extra growth?

    Thanks....I just wanted some first hand experience and I think that settled it.
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    Emergency Flush Question

    What if bloom nutes were also added up until a week ago?
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    Emergency Flush Question

    Do you think that cutting branch by branch would cause unnecessary strain on the rest of the plant? I am on a bit of a time limit and don't want to slow the growth of all the lower bud sites just because the top bud looks ripe. For the top bud, the trichomes are milky and some are turning amber...
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    Emergency Flush Question Check out the link...
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    Emergency Flush Question

    Ok but there are nutes left. Bloom nutes have been added so there are nutrients currently in the plant. I am not trying to tell you whats up, I am trying to get an answer to a specific question which you are avoiding. My question is not if there are nutrients left in the plant, my question is...
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    Emergency Flush Question

    Yea but with MG Soil it has time released nutrients and there is no way to know whats still left (the leaves are not yellow but the trichomes are ready to go on top buds). Either way, an emergency flush ensures that all nutrients have been properly flushed out. Do you know if it makes a...
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    Period of Darkness or 12/12 for extra growth?

    Great, thanks for the help!
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    Emergency Flush Question

    She's grown in MG soil with time released nutes so there is no way to do the normal soil flush. The only alternative is to do an emergency flush. So can I cut branches as they become ready for harvest or is that somehow different from cutting the whole plant at soil level?
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    Emergency Flush Question

    So I will be doing an emergency flush by cutting the stem at the soil level and then adding it to a pot of water with a bubbler. Is there any difference between cutting the whole plant at the soil level or simply cutting the branches/bud sites that look ready and then placing those in water...
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    Nutrients what?

    I just tried growing with nutes for the first time and it definitely added to my yield. Its kind of hard to find a guide on what products to use so the best thing to do is go to your local grow shop to see what they would recommend for each stage and also what is available. Then go do your...
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    PPM questions

    Not sure if its what your looking for but this was posted by Roseman on another thread. PPM for Hanna Chart PPM Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250 Early Vegging 300 to 400 Full Vegetation 450 to 700 Early Blooming 750 to 950 Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600...
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    Having some problems please help

    The leaves curling down could be due to over watering, and don't worry about the red stem. I wondered the same thing but apparently its normal. Also, I'm not sure if your plant is tied down or bending but if the light is too far, stack some boxes under your plant to bring it closer to the light.
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    Period of Darkness or 12/12 for extra growth?

    I am about 11 weeks into flowering and will have to harvest by the end of the week. I can either let the plant grow under the current 12/12, or add a period of darkness (3 days). Which one would be more beneficial? At the moment, the trichomes still look like they could use a few more days..
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    Is she ready for harvest??

    I'm in my 9th week of flowering and wondering if she is ready for harvest (blackberry strain & estimated flowering time was 9-11 weeks). The trichomes still look clear but any help would be great.
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    Help a newbie out? (grow light question)

    I think if you went with what you mentioned you would be good to go but it does sound a little complicated for a beginner grow. In terms of air circulation, if your getting a grow tent just get a small inline fan that you can use to blow air out of the tent (at the top) and keep a vent open at...
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    How does my plant look?

    It looks ok I guess but you might wana do something about the stretching or when you start getting buds, the stems may fall over. What type of lighting/set up do you have?
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    Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this

    Change the light to 12/12 when the plant is half the size you want it to be because it will double in height during flowering.