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  1. B

    Neewbie with a problem

    A neat trick is ladybugs or asian beetles(ladybug lookalike). They do not feed on plants and will erradicate any kind of insect if you get enough of them in the room. They'll eat and eat and eat. They don't get full and will feed as much as they can. Also try getting bright yellow plastic...
  2. B

    Neewbie with a problem

    first get a 5$ moisture reader from ebay(thats probably shipping included) second the spots. Never never never never spray any kind of moisture on your leaves while the lights are on. They magnify and burn the leaves, thats what some of that looks like, other parts look like nutrient/chemical...
  3. B

    how far from plants?

    You'll have to measure canopy temp. you can get a 5$ thermometer almost anywhere with a wire connected to a sensor you could hang to get an accurate temp. if your room's temp is around 75 where it should be the canopy CAN go up to 85 MAX its reccomended at 75 but I know people who keep it around...
  4. B

    Name your nutrients!

    I am curious what people are using to grow their crops. Please list all nutrients youve used vegging nutes, flowering nutes, and any enhancers or beneficial bacteria and how they worked for you. Also state whether your growing in soil or hydro.
  5. B

    Name your nutrients!

    I am curious what people are using to grow their crops. Please list all nutrients youve used vegging nutes, flowering nutes, and any enhancers or beneficial bacteria and how they worked for you. Also state whether your growing in soil or hydro.
  6. B

    harvesting half of a plant

    You know thats a hollow stalk right? Thats all KINDS of bad news if you cut it that far along, other than plant damage you have to take into consideration your going to have a hole going from where you cut clear down to the base, thats just asking for insect infestation, and even if you dodge...
  7. B

    new use for ladybugs

    Ive never heard the cinnamon trick but id be afraid that would somehow burn my plant by either messing with the PH or just the roots straight rejecting it. Keep in mind if you see a couple you probably have alot more either there or coming, a fan in the room generally prevents them from flying...
  8. B

    new use for ladybugs

    They breed faster but depending on how active your room is and what kind of air exchange you've implemented that may not be a bad thing.
  9. B

    is this ok to use kinda dont ant to kil my plant

    my buddy was told by the local hydroponic store owner its great for vegging because it'll make the plants metabolism work harder, it'll reproduce cells faster and will be able to photosynthesis more. Its Alot of B vitamins and plant hormones BUT not to use it during flowering. He said when the...
  10. B

    new use for ladybugs

    Its that time of the year again and everyones house's windows will be crawling with ladybugs, or the 'lady bug lookalikes' which indeed are from the same family of insect.... ANYhooo In case your wondering what this has to do with anything here, the biggest thing that people don't know is that...
  11. B

    r there any other light bulbs that wont affect photo period beside a green light?

    I didn't say to use green LEDs i said that was the only way to get ONLY green light. ANY light will produce light photons which will be absorbed by the plant's photosynthesis process regardless of color, day or night, and since your sugars and bud production take place at night, you want this...
  12. B


    This is actually kind of incorrect too but I should have worded it better. The only things that boiling do no eliminate are elements for example copper, zinc, boron as they are solid earth elements where as the chlorines and chloramines are all water soluable chemicals that become neutralized...
  13. B


    I wouldn't transplant it again especially during flowering you'll stress it and your almost gaurenteed to damage the roots. It wouldn't be as bad doing it during flowering if u were putting a smallerpot into a bigger one, but your going from no pot to a pot and theres almost no way to get the...
  14. B

    r there any other light bulbs that wont affect photo period beside a green light?

    furthermore the only way to get a pure green light is LED also a lighting system that doesn't emit enough lumens for more than a couple plants but is very good supplemental lighting.
  15. B

    r there any other light bulbs that wont affect photo period beside a green light?

    the same way weed grows in nature under moonlight. It'll take forever if it does work and your almost gaurenteed to end up with seeds.
  16. B


    There is alot of contraversy with this one bro. 3 days is the safest bet, most of it is gone in the first 24 hours. BUT! most water companies use a chemical called chloramine which DOES NOT evaporate out of water. You can tell because the PH of your tap water will be always be over 7.5 where...
  17. B

    r there any other light bulbs that wont affect photo period beside a green light?

    a common misconception is that the plants are absorbing light so if it were green the plants leaves reflect it but you can stil have a light on at night. THIS IS A LIE Plants do NOT absorb light, they absorb the photons that light creates and they are created in different wavelengths. While...
  18. B

    Staking plants question

    Ok you have a few options in my opinion. Dirt staking:(not personally reccomended after vegging) 1/2" Down Rods (craft or hardware store) will do just fine and they're cheaper than actual garden stakes. SLOWLY work it down into the dirt like your trying to start a fire with the stick in the...
  19. B

    My mutant plant, in a very good way

    It wants more light. Its forming more blades to absorb more light. since its close enough to the CFLs it won't stretch it'll bush, but since it doesn't have enough energy to make more chutes because of lack of light. You should find a way to get those lights directly above the plant, that might...
  20. B

    9 weeks flowering, all pilstols still white.

    White pistils mean your plants in good health. You should let them grow as long as possible to get the best potency and most growth, if your in a hurry you can harvest as long as you can visibly see the trichromes on the buds. The hairs will turn and beautiful orangeish red rather than that...