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    Hermie or will to survive?

    That has nothing to do with what I said... I wish people would read first :/ Bump
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    Hermie or will to survive?

    I would like to ask the opinion of everyone on this subject. Its been a long time argument that a marijuana plant that bananas and pollinate itself in the middle or towards the end of the flowering phase is caused by stress to the plant. The opposite side of the argument and has allegedly been...
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    DIY Clone 5gal Bucket

    Do you have to mist them? or could/should you build a dome?
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    DIY Clone 5gal Bucket

    What about the actual spraying. Do you want to actually spray the roots or do you just want the water splashing around? How far from the lid should the pipes be?
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    How much weight do they put on the last 3 weeks of flower

    I smoked weed with minimal flushing and it was fine. If anything I think it depends on the TYPE, AMOUNT, and FREQUENCY of use of nutrients. Different chemicals make different tastes and some of them don't make any at all. Some of them can be cut out by a water pump filter or soil buffers...
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    pollen and breeding question

    thanks.... just a side note though, when you inject barry bonds with bull semen you get a beast lol. why not have a weed plant that blossoms like crazy like an apple tree? Just a thought, like i said i know nothing
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    pollen and breeding question

    What would happen if you introduced pollen from fruit to your plants while its flowering? examples would be, orange, strawberry, grape, peach, apple, berries, blueberry blossoms. I KNOW its not going to taste like the fruit, but would it have any effects on the plant to the point that the seed...
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    Cloning/flowering question

    Do you think the bud(popcorn) should be cut off before cloning?
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    How much weight do they put on the last 3 weeks of flower

    It all depends on how much water you run through the soil, and no matter what you can't get all the nutrients out of a plant without killing it, and in turn making its trichomes die off. Im not saying you'll get garbage bud, ive tasted awesome buds that have been flushed for 10-14 days and they...
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    Water cloning/hormone question this is a much better explanation than i can give.
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    Water cloning/hormone question

    So I was thinking theoretically here. I understand how other people water clone with the cup and the plastic wrap, and Ive heard it that it commonly takes 10-14 days. My question would be why can't you put root hormone in the water and PH it to speed things up? As well as VERY small doses of...
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    Cloning/flowering question

    My buddy wants to know if you can clone the smaller unproductive shoots whenever you harvest your plant or if its too late in the life cycle. Seems like a waste to pitch the popcorn shoots.
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    Cloning/flowering question

    My buddy wants to know if you can clone the smaller unproductive shoots whenever you harvest your plant or if its too late in the life cycle. Seems like a waste to pitch the popcorn shoots.
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    I'm Thinking Mag Def.

    the brown spots are either nutrient burn or from getting water on the leaves while the lights were on and it got magnified and burned it. They could also be a PH problem but if you say your truly testing it the only other thing I can say is maybe you have hard water and theres a calcium overload...
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    topping..pic/diagram. help

    This guy is pretty much the authority on Topping:) Enjoy, I did.
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    topping..pic/diagram. help

    Your trying too hard, if you already FIMMed it leave it alone. Topping creates more colas. In theory the higher up you top it the more colas you get. If you top it too high though you'll just get a bunch of little buds at the top of the plant as if you had FIMed it. A plant actually has a...
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    Difference between between magnetic, electronic and digital ballasts

    Im no expert but my buddy used to grow and i think they're just advancements in the same technology. Magnetic ones tend to be lunky and large and run EITHER HPS or MH bulbs. Electronics have a switch and can run both it also transfers current better provideing a longer life span but are still...