My mutant plant, in a very good way


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow I haven't invested much into him/her .I've just been trying to learn as much as i can before I invest in a proper setup. I dont know how i missed this mutant branch I stare at it ALL the time. I have FIM'ed, but not on this branch.Oh ya sorry about the pics they are off a phone.

The first pic shows the 11 leaf fan leaf.
The second pic shows the attached double stem of the 11 leaf fan.
In pic #5 you can see the normal 7 leaf fan leaf and the 11 leaf fan leaf thing on the right.
But here is the kicker The last two pics (kind of) the show FIVE separate new fan leafs growing in the middle.

comments,suggestions, and such are very much appreciated.



I have 11 leafs on each fan but no double stems and they look normal not like urs, I topped mine and they are almost fully mature now. hope she does well.


Well-Known Member
one of my own beans from a tude order that i dusted

i had a muty that grew 4 tops on its own then it hermed i collected the pollen to see if i get femanized beans i dusted a dr with its pollen now in week 7 of 8 to 9 ter

i cant wait to see if i have femed beans or not


Well-Known Member
Ya its weird I stare at my plant all the time and just noticed it the other day its kind of funny. I wonder if the mutant genes will show it self in your seeds Riched.


Well-Known Member
It wants more light. Its forming more blades to absorb more light. since its close enough to the CFLs it won't stretch it'll bush, but since it doesn't have enough energy to make more chutes because of lack of light. You should find a way to get those lights directly above the plant, that might be alittle better for it.