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  1. thetraveler

    how long do you guys veg for

    I went a full 5 weeks on mine from clones that were about 4 or 5 inches tall at the beginning. I got them to just about 2 1/2 feet just before starting flower (which actually is tomorrow). I definitely couldn't go any longer unless I supercropped more because they would get too tall and...
  2. thetraveler

    Question about insect spray and when to use it

    Thank you, I'm going to wait until tomorrow just before 6pm when they come back on. Your help is much appreciated!
  3. thetraveler

    Question about insect spray and when to use it

    Thanks for your help. I'll have to look into those products and see what is best for me. As far as spraying goes, that's best to do in the dark, right?
  4. thetraveler

    Question about insect spray and when to use it

    They are going into darkness for the next 36 hours in about 20 minutes so I guess later today I will spray the plants in the darkness. I'd like to get a second opinion before I do so. Thanks
  5. thetraveler

    Question about insect spray and when to use it

    On Monday, my girls will be starting their first day of flowering. I want to make sure to keep the insect problems that may occur to a minimum so I went to my local hydro shop that I always go to and asked about it. They recommended some Insecticide called Take Down Garden Spray that is...
  6. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    This weekend is my last weekend of veg. I'm flushing tomorrow and then putting it into 32 hours of darkness Sunday morning starting at 6am. I will take a new movie and a few more pictures tomorrow before I turn the lights off to get one last look before its in flower. Everything is doing...
  7. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    I have recorded a video of my 35th day which is today. I super cropped everything just one week ago and I think everything has recovered nicely and is doing great. Let me know what you think!
  8. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    I have a web cam connected to my laptop so I was able to take some (shitty) pictures and get them uploaded, just to show how they look at present day which is day 27. They are still recovering from supercropping, but I think they are recovering just fine.
  9. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    Thanks. I'm going to increase the dosage to 10 mL per gallon to be on the safe side. For the most part, my girls are about 20 inches and very bushy so they should be able to handle it.
  10. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    Ok -- I think I'm an idiot. I've been using 4mL of Sensi Grow per gallon of water (20 mL total for 5 gallons), but I just noticed that the directions say to use 4mL per LITER of water. Should I be using 16mL per gallon?! If I have been underfeeding that severe, I'm surprised my girls are doing...
  11. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    I have lost my chord to plug my camera into my computer and its some special one that came with Panasonic that I can't get in stores (been out looking for the past hour) so I can't upload my pictures! I need to find an alternative method or find the chord so I can show you all! This is very...
  12. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    I have been researching growing both online and through a farmer for the past few months and have finally gotten together the resources to get my own grow going. Due to complications with being able to upload pictures, I just started my journal now even though I started just over four weeks...