Question about insect spray and when to use it


Active Member
On Monday, my girls will be starting their first day of flowering. I want to make sure to keep the insect problems that may occur to a minimum so I went to my local hydro shop that I always go to and asked about it. They recommended some Insecticide called Take Down Garden Spray that is supposed to kill all stages of insects including eggs. I've heard that spider mites are prone to being problems in grow setups so that's the main reason I got this, so I will hopefully not have to deal with them and kill the eggs before they start so there is a minimal amount to deal with in the future.

My main question is when to use it. Tomorrow morning at 6am I will be turning off the light to go into 36 hours of darkness, and I know not to spray anything when the light is on so I figured that during that time would be the best, then they have plenty of time to dry before the light comes back on.

Is this a correct assumption or am I going to do something wrong and damage the plant by keeping it in darkness for so long after spraying?

Advise on this would be much appreciated. I have attached some pictures just to show where they are, I just flushed this morning in preparation of flowering on Monday.

This is my first grow so I don't have any experience with insects, thanks in advance!



Active Member
They are going into darkness for the next 36 hours in about 20 minutes so I guess later today I will spray the plants in the darkness. I'd like to get a second opinion before I do so.



Well-Known Member
There are a few things which i use to help against pests and to repel them

NeemRepel - this is a neem oil based repelent
PestOff - This is a contact killer made from Starch
Spinosad - this is a bacteria that kills anything it touches or gets eaten by
HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS - this is a strip that you hang in your room and it kills anything that crawls or flies as it releases a vapour into the air and 1 strip can cover a 1200cu Ft room.

Hope this helps



Active Member
Thanks for your help. I'll have to look into those products and see what is best for me. As far as spraying goes, that's best to do in the dark, right?


Well-Known Member
Its best to do it either as soon as your lights go off or before they come on

You dont want your Relative humidity to rise too much which can invite mould etc.



Active Member
Thank you, I'm going to wait until tomorrow just before 6pm when they come back on. Your help is much appreciated!