how long do you guys veg for

how long are you guys vegging you plants before putting them into flowering im at about 3weeks and a day and about 22 inches tall my tallest not so bushy any ways hog long to vegg


Well-Known Member
it's all about the size of your garden (grow area) and knowing that the plant will double in size for sure once you flip it (could triple)

so if your at 22 inches we need to hope you have at least 4 more feet of hieght


Well-Known Member
Some people do it by size not Weeks

Some people throw them into 12 12 once they hit 12 inches as they will normally double but can sometimes triple in size during flowering

So if you are at 22 inches now You can expect between 44 and 66 inches total height.

Most people including myself normally give a plant 4 weeks of veg because by this time the node structure is usually alternating which means the plant is mature enough to flower.

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
that all depends on how much room you have. i veg 3 weeks then go to flower. after they show sex i clone. you can fugure your plant will grow 3 time the size it is when you go to flower,so keep that in mid when you veg. alot of people veg to long then there plants out grow there flowering room. i know i did it.


Active Member
I went a full 5 weeks on mine from clones that were about 4 or 5 inches tall at the beginning. I got them to just about 2 1/2 feet just before starting flower (which actually is tomorrow). I definitely couldn't go any longer unless I supercropped more because they would get too tall and wouldn't leave room for stretching during the next phase in my tent.