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  1. S

    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Clem, I haven't accepted it. I'm going to do whatever it takes to let my babies reach maturity. If I have to buy 6 heaters, dig 5 fire pits, and build a pvc tent around them to keep the kids warm, then that's what I'll do. Unlike Venison, marijuana doesn't taste better while young. Exactly the...
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    BTW, my garden is 30X50
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    How long would the outdoor fire last. Is this something that would go all night, or would I have to go fill the fire in the middle of the night? I love the idea though burger. I have plenty of wood around the house.
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Well here's the thing about pvc, it deteriorates and gets brittle rather quickly. It would be great to be able to have a pop-up greenhouse, but shit has to last more than 2 seasons. I like the arches like haydukes, but I'm a one-man show. I need something that 1 person can do by himself fairly...
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Sooo any other ideas or experiences beating jack frost? So far we have the PVC idea that Leroy gave. Any others?
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Sonar, thanks for the great info. I was wondering about that but figured I would find out this year. I will say that growing outside is way freakin' better than inside. No heat/ventilation problems and using the sun to grow weed is the only way to go. My babies are rockin' outside. I think next...
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Yup, it's a pretty good deal pureblood. Don't ever have to buy another 300 dollar bag of weed again. You can grow the strain that works the best for you or try growing 15 different strains to find out which one works the best for you. Plus the shit you buy from the dispensaries or from any...
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Leroy, that's a pretty slick Idea. I'm not sure how to roll the sheeting up at during the day though. Don't forget my plants are about 10 feet tall including the raised bed/berm. That is a fairly inexpensive way to go about saving my plants in the entire garden. We have some tomato plants that...
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Oh, just to mention. Since this is my first outdoor grow, my plants started flowering (showing their hairs) 3 weeks ago, but we're not even at 12/12 outside light. So I'm not sure if they will finish 10 weeks from when I saw hairs or 10 weeks from 12/12.
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    No, I live in North Eastern Washington state. The average frost for our area is middle of September. My kids are due first of October. Just trying to get ready for the fall harvest.
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    Alright, what the fuck people. I just read through "frost" posts for the last 2 hours and the only good idea I heard was spraying water on the plants all night long. Makes sense to me anyways. I don't know how many theads said the same thing over and over......cover them up, bring them inside...
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    my super hope,white widow,frost bite,holland hope babies

    Great Avatar swill, that makes me fucking crack up every time I see it.
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    low of 37 degrees with very high chance of frost... harvest??

    I'm no expert and I'm only on my first grow (see pictures posted in other threads), but have read a lot of info and books on the subject. Do you see those clouds in the trichs, those clouds represent thc. Think of Amber as the THC dying off. The best time to harvest is when the trichs are all...
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    Purple stripes on stalk (early flowering)

    Yea, I will try to give her a little n and see if that helps out.
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    Purple stripes on stalk (early flowering)

    I've done a little research and it looks like mixing 50/50 veg/flower won't hurt the plant, but may indeed set the flowering back. Think I'll stick to my original feeding and watch her like a hawk.
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    Purple stripes on stalk (early flowering)

    I was actually wondering if I should do that. I also have some bat guano that I'm about to top dress the soil with. I wanted to get this problem resolved before doing that though. Any thoughts on the guano for now from anyone? Do you think it may have enough N to resolve the issue if, in fact...
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    Purple stripes on stalk (early flowering)

    Jon, there sure seems like an aweful lot of hairs on this plant. Why would you say it's too early to start feeding it bloom? I like small's idea, but then I don't know which of you has more experience with outdoor plants.
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    Purple stripes on stalk (early flowering)

    So it's early August and my "THC BOMB" babies have been flowering for a couple weeks and they don't seem to be doing much. They are outside and light is at about 14 hours right now. Here's my question. I know that some varieties turn purple, but I only have one plant that is starting to turn...
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    Male Female Hermie

    Are they far enough along to get pollen from them? They're not very big. I'll check out that link now and maybe that will answer my question.
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    Male Female Hermie

    Chopping it. Fuck it was 6 feet tall and 2 feet thick. Makes me sick to chop the fucker.