Purple stripes on stalk (early flowering)


Active Member
So it's early August and my "THC BOMB" babies have been flowering for a couple weeks and they don't seem to be doing much. They are outside and light is at about 14 hours right now. Here's my question. I know that some varieties turn purple, but I only have one plant that is starting to turn purple. I have been pooring the flowering nutes since I started noticing the hairs forming. I have been losing a few lower leaves (yellowing then dying) since I started giving her high P low N fertilizer. A week into flower one of my baby's stems started turning purple. Now there are purple stripes going up the main stalk and the stems of fan leaves are turning purple. Can someone with some experience tell me what is going on? It has been getting colder in the evening, but if the cold is causing it wouldn't it be causing them all to turn purple? Here are some pics. One close up and one showing the total height of plant in question.



Well-Known Member
Usually purple stems are caused by N Deficiency or too much of a decrease in temps from highest to lowest.

If you started cutting Grow nutes and went with Bloom only after seeing the hairs i would have kept going with the grow nutes for another 2 weeks. But your plant could just be showing its sex as flowering normally needs around 12hours of less of daylight.

I would recommend going back to the Grow nutes for now as you could be hitting with the bloom too early.



Active Member
just let it go looks fine purple on the stalk is no biggie just a trate of you plant the lower leaves dieing is norml more and more fan leaves will die as your plants buds look for light this is all norml

do not go back to grow fert keep it on flower in till there done i put my plants on flower fert 2 weeks befor flower just get them pumped up i get a bigger harvest that way

plants looks change as they grow just like you and i your fine plants look good and healthy

keep on keepin on


Active Member
Jon, there sure seems like an aweful lot of hairs on this plant. Why would you say it's too early to start feeding it bloom? I like small's idea, but then I don't know which of you has more experience with outdoor plants.


Well-Known Member
but then I don't know which of you has more experience with outdoor plants.
I can answer this one for you now. I do not have any experience with growing outdoors.

I can however tell you that purple petiols or stems are usually a sign of N deficiency or too much of a temp swing.

I agree that the amount of hairs on those plants does warrant the change to the bloom nutes.

If you are concerned you can mix up your nutes with 1 part Grow to 2 parts Bloom and see if that helps.



Active Member
I was actually wondering if I should do that. I also have some bat guano that I'm about to top dress the soil with. I wanted to get this problem resolved before doing that though. Any thoughts on the guano for now from anyone? Do you think it may have enough N to resolve the issue if, in fact, it is a N deficiency? I figure it couldn't hurt unless it's a "lockout" situation. I just treated the roots with a liquid mycorhizaa product about 3 days ago. Figured I would let the roots go for a week without fert before top dressing with guano. Any other thoughts? My weekly regime of ferts is as follows..............1st day straight bloom, 3rd day water, 5th day bloom mixed with 1 tablespoon molasses, 7th day water. Was planning on top dressing guano about mid flower cycle, but someone told me to put it on as soon as i saw hairs. Then I was going to use a superbloom the last 2 weeks and flush with flushing liquid 2-3 days before harvest. Does that sound about right? This is my first grow and I'm learning everything from books and the internet. It sucks that the shit is so expensive and it's actually illegal to buy it in my state. You're only supposed to grow your own or let someone else grow it for you. What a shitty set of rules for medical marijuana patients.


Well-Known Member
Here in the UK it is ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL so count yourself lucky that you are allowed to grow for meds.

I have no experience with bat guano.

I am currently on my 3rd grow and i grow in COCO with coco specific nutes. Alot of the help i give is either from research and reading or experience. I would not want to comment on something i have not researched or used myself.



Active Member
I've done a little research and it looks like mixing 50/50 veg/flower won't hurt the plant, but may indeed set the flowering back. Think I'll stick to my original feeding and watch her like a hawk.


Well-Known Member
AS long as you keep an eye on her she should be fine. You have to expect some yellow leaves due to insufficient light penetration etc.

On a water only day you could hit a 1/4 strength grow nutes to give a little blast of N to slow the yellowing.
