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  1. newbgrower944

    Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

    so basically you are a troll and you aren't growing anything. cause you could have easily had that sign next to some weed plants. but instead you take other peoples pictures and call them yours. REALLY all you have is a small jar with some weed in it. go away.... or better yet. find a way to...
  2. newbgrower944

    Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

    I just had a nice lowl reading this thread. being high helps too...+rep for bctrippin. haha
  3. newbgrower944

    nooooooo gnats!

    just spotted a damn gnat flying around...damnit. I have an insecticidal soap spray. I just tried it on a piece of a plant to see if it will harm it. next up. potato slices...
  4. newbgrower944

    Another Sex Guessing Thread...

    a couple zoomed...
  5. newbgrower944

    Another Sex Guessing Thread...

    this thing is PUUUUUUrple! and I am willing the shit out of it to be female so it can be my first mom! also FIMMed it to keep height down. what do you guys think.....
  6. newbgrower944

    Cheap Inline Fans!

    Just thought I would share in case some people didn't know or were hesitant to buy one. but Home Depot has 4 and 6 inch inline duct fans from 80+ cfm. i have a 6 incher in the attic blowing into the system and a 4 incher sucking it out at the end of the system...
  7. newbgrower944

    Help Identifying Preflowers. Guru Challenge!

    alright guys. these just showed up today and yesterday. the females are pretty obvious because they have little hairs coming out of the preflowers. but I can't tell if some of these are female flowers that hairs havent come out of yet or if they are males. so what do you guys think? pic 1 ais...
  8. newbgrower944

    Lowryders not Flowering! Help identify plz!

    damnit im going to have to buy new pots too as these have already outgrown the 6inchers....damnit!
  9. newbgrower944

    Lowryders not Flowering! Help identify plz!

    Well I topped and LST'ed then kind of as an experiment to see if it affected the the yield at all. I've pretty much decided these are NOT lowryder. which is strange indeed seeing as I got them from I mean the damn website site is all about lowryders! I'm going to...
  10. newbgrower944

    2x 150w e-conolight HPS in DIY cooltube

    I'm using one 6inch home depot fan pushing from the beginning and one 4in home depot fan pulling air out. works pretty well and the home depot fans are way cheaper than those huge inline fans for growing. they say the have the same cfm rating but I think doubt they actually perform like the big...
  11. newbgrower944

    Lowryders not Flowering! Help identify plz!

    Anyone familiar with the lowryder#1 strain? because I keep seeing other peoples threads on here about how their lowriders are 5 inches tall and are sexed already. and how they are ready to smoke in one month and all this other awesome shit that I was expecting when I bought my 30 lowryder seeds...
  12. newbgrower944

    flowering to determine sex...then reverting?

    pics. I have no idea the temps in the bowl....I turned the light on the side off. and one of the clones is drooping over.
  13. newbgrower944

    2x 150w e-conolight HPS in DIY cooltube

    one 150 watt e-conolite and one 70 watt home depot pos. :mrgreen:
  14. newbgrower944

    flowering to determine sex...then reverting?

    pics to come shortly.
  15. newbgrower944

    flowering to determine sex...then reverting?

    bump. I have them in a plastic tubberware with a glass dome on top. under about 60 something watts of cfl's. any other tips so they live on me?
  16. newbgrower944

    LOw rider!! question

    ok wtf. I have 19 supposed lowryders and they are 14 inches high and over a month old and I have two only showing preflowers. wtf. this is pissing me off. i dont have room for 19 flowering plants if I got sent the wrong seeds...
  17. newbgrower944

    pot brownies

    I used microwaveable brownies once. I was using some high quality cali shit and i just crunched it into the mix! haha I got so fucked up! I put about 2 grams in. but it was a 6" diameter bowl of brownies.
  18. newbgrower944

    flowering to determine sex...then reverting?

    so I just found a friend who has a humidome. perfect! so I should keep them under cfls? how do i moniter temps and humidity in the dome? or just leave it alone. how many cfl watts are recommended for 2-4 clones under a dome? how many times to water? basically whatever you guys can feed me. Im a...
  19. newbgrower944

    flowering to determine sex...then reverting?

    alright well I guess ill get some rooting hormone tomorrow. any tips on how to root just one clone? I don't have any fancy cloners or bubbleaeroclone-o-matics or any do-hickeys like that. I went ahead and put it back in the lowryder room.
  20. newbgrower944

    flowering to determine sex...then reverting?

    I have a bagseed plant that looks amazing! about 13 inches tall now and It was in a room full of lowryders. so since the lights are staying at 18/6 in that room this plant will not show sex. I want to use it as a mom if it's female so Is it ok to throw in a seperate room at 12/12 and as soon as...