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  1. newbgrower944

    Cold Cathode Lighting

    sooo...whatever happened to this?
  2. newbgrower944

    real quick question about ph and nutes

    thanks for the links! (checking them now) also I forgot to mention i checked the run-off of the water. a beautiful 6.5!
  3. newbgrower944

    real quick question about ph and nutes

    And I'll def. pick up a ph meter as this growing thing is pretty fun...
  4. newbgrower944

    real quick question about ph and nutes

    awesome thanks guys!. yeah I have pics of them! ill post others once i reopen the closet. ( I just emptied a CO2 cartridge in there.) so i've been doing it just seemed like an absurd amount of ph up when when it's just water a couple drops can fluctuate the ph drastically. the nutes...
  5. newbgrower944

    real quick question about ph and nutes

    ok. fox farm nutes, ph testing water drops in a vial. I mix in a 6 gallon bucket (just shower water.) sits for 2-5 days. then i add nutes. then i ph. I can ph the water first...but after nutes it needs like 3 tblspoons of ph up to get it back to normal. but the color is off just a little...
  6. newbgrower944

    real quick question about ph and nutes

    when I add my nutes to my water im about to feed with in soil. it changes the ph drastically to the down side. i have to add copious ammounts of ph up to get it back to 6.5-6.8 should I be doing that? or just ph the water before adding nutes....add nutes...and water? im about to water so a...
  7. newbgrower944

    lowryder grow first

    its a bake-a-round!
  8. newbgrower944

    lowryder grow first

    plus my timers can be set down to the second!
  9. newbgrower944

    lowryder grow first

    well actually I have only one timer! I had two but since I took the 20 cfl's out of the closet I can use one house circuit again. I was afraid of running 4 ballasts, a couple cfl's, a fan, a humidifyer, and some home depot inline fans all on one house circuit. but now I just run everything off...
  10. newbgrower944

    lowryder grow first

    thanks for the rep cannabiscuit! im SUPER stoked cause my gf was just sifting through the plants and spotted the first signs of 2 females!!!!!:mrgreen: here they are!:blsmoke::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  11. newbgrower944

    Is there a time that can be controlled in seconds?? I have the timer that is shown on this page. they came with a lot of pet feeders I bought. they controll in seconds, minutes, hours, and days. really great timer! with up to like...10 or something programmes!
  12. newbgrower944

    lowryder grow first

    bump. still no signs of sex. this is annoying. I can't let them get too much bigger without showing sex cause they are so crowded! I need to weed out the males to let the ladies stretch out! has anyone even grown lowryder#1 before? what if I got shit seeds or something? what if they just don't...
  13. newbgrower944

    17 days into flowering. Can I switch to 150w HPS?

    I say add the HPS AND keep the cfl's...
  14. newbgrower944

    lowryder grow first

    I count this as my first grow since my last grow the 4 seedlings died at the first leaf set. but this is 19 lowryders and one bagseed. the bagseed is super purple! im really stoked about it. hope its a girl! now ive seen other people talk about their lowryders and they have shown sex at like 6-8...
  15. newbgrower944

    Lowryder #2 + Diesel Ryder HPS 600 watt grow project (THE BEGINNING)

    thats not fair! Im about a month in on my original lowryder grow and NONE have showed sex. and they are all about 10 inches
  16. newbgrower944

    3 weeks old? do they look like 3 weeks old?

    im growing lowryder so its probably like nothing you have. but mine are at three weeks and they are bushier but have there 3rd set of 5's coming out. but mine didnt make 2 sets of three leaves. they went from one point, to three point, to five point, so they have as many branches as...
  17. newbgrower944

    yellow spots, mag deficiency?

    here. the drooping is prolly just wanting water. So I decided to water them and flush tomorrow. then ill start with quarter strength nutes. looking in the closet they already look perkier but for now the leaves still curl up..
  18. newbgrower944

    yellow spots, mag deficiency?

    thanks a lot! that's very helpful but unfortunately I don't see anything that resembles my problem. just tiny yellow spots on the leaves. also I just opened my closet this morning and they've been under 4 hours of light without having watered today. 80 temp and 60% moisture. and they are droopy...
  19. newbgrower944

    yellow spots, mag deficiency?

    oh also. the temp and humidity vary GREATLY! if i open the door the humidity drops like 20%. with hps and cfls on and humidifier running the temp runs 100 and the humidity runs 90%! so i leave the door open when the clf's and the humidifier are on. with just hps's on the humidity is about 80%...
  20. newbgrower944

    yellow spots, mag deficiency?

    I just read the post below this one of what seems to be the same problem. but not wanting to hijack his thread Im making a new one. I have 19 lowryders in a closet grow with cfl's and HPS's. they are about 3 weeks old. I am growing in ocean farm soil and have added NO nutes. i water with...