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  1. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    Everybody is chugging along nicely. Flower Day 35
  2. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    Everybody is going along just fine, changed the res out yesterday all is good so far. Also in those pics you can see a Critical Sensi Star that was put in with these to see what she'll do. Notice the difference in bud formation, the Super Skunks from there left are all the same age as her...
  3. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    Been a while since I posted an update, been super busy in the garden. Ok, been a while but here we are. After the power strip failure I took the rooted clones and the healthiest looking non rooted clones and moved them to another bucket cloner so I could feed the rooted ones and take a fresh set...
  4. Metalarc Lemon

    Severe Problem or Severe Paranoia?

    yeah, thats what they look like, just like the swollen heads on a premature trichome without the stem. This is a very very frosty strain so that's what I was hoping. The plants seem to be perfectly healthy and are drinkin & eatin like pigs and growin like weeds at day 20 of flower.
  5. Metalarc Lemon

    Orange Spots Scattered on Leaves

    As was stated above, assuming there are no pests, What is your ph at? looks like mag has been locked out as you also have the dark red leaf stems as well. try the ph at around 5.6 and don't feed anymore of the grow nutes if you are flowering. what are your nute levels? I usually go no higher...
  6. Metalarc Lemon

    Severe Problem or Severe Paranoia?

    Thanks for the input, I hope it's nothing. I can't see there being this many eggs and not see any symtoms or live bugs or webs or something. But I haven't had to deal with any intruders yet so I may be a little paranoid as I don't want any either. These are on all leaves of all plants top to...
  7. Metalarc Lemon

    Severe Problem or Severe Paranoia?

    Hopefully paranoia, in the pics I posted I see little clear balls on the underside of all the leaves. These pics are at 100X zoom microscope, and some look milky but it's the light on the end of the scope, they are clear. Now i've seen pictures of spider mite eggs that looked similiar to these...
  8. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    one of the current girls gettin ready for harvest at day 41. mostly milky trichomes, some ambers, completely resin covered. They will probably get the big cut next week.
  9. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    Day 16: Well, a few more have sprouted, as you can see some have roots already in the water while some of the others are still recovering from their little episode. I usually start feeding them veg nutes today, but I will have to move the rooted ones if I want to do that so I'm just gonna wait...
  10. Metalarc Lemon

    plants starting to fall over during flush.

    OK, yesterday in an act of desperation I added some flowering nutes to the tune of 840ppm and this morning there were no new plants lying over. I don't know if this helped as the plants aren't showing any signs of distress.
  11. Metalarc Lemon

    plants starting to fall over during flush.

    Also the watering schedule has not changed, the RH averages at about 37% lower right before lights out and higher before lights on. ph at 6.0, res temp is 74F. The plants that fall over are showing no signs of distress, stems are nice and green, there are zero bugs, leaves are nice and green...
  12. Metalarc Lemon

    plants starting to fall over during flush.

    I've read to flush for 2 weeks these finish super early (just like the sensi description said) hence the flush starting that early. They have had a fan on them from the get go, leaves are always moving. The strain is super skunk and it has amber trichomes at 42 days, and I usually harvest at 45...
  13. Metalarc Lemon

    plants starting to fall over during flush.

    None of the experts have anything? anybody?
  14. Metalarc Lemon

    Help. My light fell on my plant

    X2 lower branches should grow.
  15. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    to another smaller aero cloner I made out of a 5 gal pail that I don't use much anymore. The only reason I'd move them at all is because I usually start to give them veg nutes at day 16 and I don't think that would be beneficial to fresh cuttings with no roots.
  16. Metalarc Lemon

    "How plants communicate"

    Lmao! Good one.
  17. Metalarc Lemon

    plants starting to fall over during flush.

    Nobody? here's a pic of one of the fallen.
  18. Metalarc Lemon

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

    Day 14: I'm still trying to recover from the power strip failure last week. only 1 is on the normal schedule and 4 others are starting to catch up, but the majority have no roots at all yet but are still standing tall so I'm just gonna try and wait them out for another week. If nothing happens...
  19. Metalarc Lemon

    plants starting to fall over during flush.

    I looked all over but couldn't find anything on this so I apologize up front if this has been asked. My ladies are on day 38 of flower and have been flushing for about 6 days now. I noticed that they went a little mg def after the first day and the second day I walked in to 1 plant laying on its...