Orange Spots Scattered on Leaves


Hello Everyone,
I have a Little Diesel Ryder at about 6 weeks now that's starting to develop a confusing ailment. The leaves which are very dark green normally are starting to develop lighter blotches and then the middle of that lightened part is developing orange spots on some of the leaves. Only one leaf so far really shows many orange spots but I can see the same thing beginning on others and am hoping to correct the problem early.

The plant has been in Hydro with sensi grow used to veg and to flower I've been mixing 1/2 of a teaspoon shultz's bloom booster and have been still adding 2 tablespoons of sensigrow part A and B to 1 gallon of water. I've then corrected the pH down to proper levels and I use that gallon to refill the resevoir usually every day as it is actually a Large yogurt container but since It's poured from the same gallon day to day I wouldn't think that this is a pH problem and the roots are well developed and show no bad signs. I have been noticing the first 2-3mm of some of the leaves are somewhat nute burning so I'm backing off but I was wondering if that sounds rightish for Hydro Flower Nutes.

I've attached some pics of the plant in general as this is the first time I've posted on this site. It's been a great girl so far and just started developing tiny trichs 2 days ago so I'm pretty excited but I definitely want to see this problem fixed. Any help is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It's just one leaf...could have splashed some nute mix on it...but you do have some "clawing", deep green, and nute burn on the tips. Back off on the nitrogen a bit.

A yogurt cup huh?


I'd noticed the clawing too but had yet to put a good cause to it. Last night I filled the res with plain water to see if that will help.

The spots aren't limited to just the 1 leaf, it's just the furthest along. On the last 2 pics you can see some lightening on other leaves but it's still in early stages and I have been very careful not to get any solution on the leaves as I knew that would damage them. One of the sensigrow parts is basically all N from what I remember so I think I'll back that off on the Nutes when I mix them back in.

The res is one of the more or less family sized yogurt containers. It wouldn't be effective for plants without the Ruderalis genetics but for this grow it's working out alright.


Almost 20 hours after I began the pure water flush the plant has yet to improve. 2 other leaves that had minor lightening are now starting to show small orange spots. I was really thinking this was some deficiency but I just can't tell which one. Ideas anyone?


Active Member
Almost 20 hours after I began the pure water flush the plant has yet to improve. 2 other leaves that had minor lightening are now starting to show small orange spots. I was really thinking this was some deficiency but I just can't tell which one. Ideas anyone?
well provided that there are no pest.

i would say you either have a magnesium or calcium deficiency..

if this is the case go get a supplement (fert) that is nothing but a calcium and magnesium fert..i could recomend a product called calmag from botanicare..
i have used this product for years with great results.

also since in my opinion from my experience it looks more on the magnesium side of a def.,,,so i would sugest buying epsom salt and mixing 2tsp. per gallon of water and spraying your leaves well. do this every 2 to 4 days untill you problem significantly improves.

and also when spraying plants in flower you should have good air circulation and good exausting to provent bud rot and a number of other problems.

hope this helps and good luck


Alright thanks for the information. I'll start with the epsom salt and see if if I can get some improvements.

I know this isn't a case of pests either. I spend a hell of alot of time stoned just examining all the leaves and buds with an awesome magnifying glass in awe as the diesel ryder is just a gorgeous plant. I would have seen any pests by now.

So I'll try the epsom salt and see how that works.


Alright here's the day 38 update. Whatever deficiency I have is starting to show quite a bit more on most of the fan leaves and on a couple of the flower leaves. I really want to get this corrected as soon as possible.

For Nutes atm I am using a quarter teaspoon of schultz's bloom booster(10-54-10), a quarter teaspoon of dolomite lime, and half a teaspoon of epsom salt to a gallon or water. Any experienced hydro growers know if this is about right?

I was almost wondering if this was a potassium deficiency but I'm just not sure.



I haven't heard of chelated iron before but I'll give it a try and see if that helps. I switched the hydro nutes back to 3 tablespoons of sensigrow part a and b since those are the last nutes I had good success. Those however are vegging nutes and I dunno how well they'll work for flowering. Im thinking if I can at least stabilize the plant then I might try some of the shultz bloom booster for the new nutes. At least I got 1 helpful reply, thank you

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
As was stated above, assuming there are no pests, What is your ph at? looks like mag has been locked out as you also have the dark red leaf stems as well. try the ph at around 5.6 and don't feed anymore of the grow nutes if you are flowering. what are your nute levels? I usually go no higher than 1800ppm for any strain I've used and some had to be way less than that in the 1300 range. I'd flush with some clear x if it's available or just plain ph'd water for a longer period.