plants starting to fall over during flush.

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
I looked all over but couldn't find anything on this so I apologize up front if this has been asked. My ladies are on day 38 of flower and have been flushing for about 6 days now. I noticed that they went a little mg def after the first day and the second day I walked in to 1 plant laying on its side. I added a little bit of cal mag to the plain water up to 450ppm 6.0ph. staked up the fallen plant and went about life. today I walk in and there are 2 more fallen over. The funny thing is that it is the average plants falling over, the ones with the biggest buds are fine. All the plants look healthy and are flowering fine. they share common root space and are all (16) fed from the same res. They have always had a fan on them and the temps are no higher than 78 under a 1k. The stems of the affected plants seem rubbery and don't snap or break they just bend over and seem super weak. The leaves and stems are still green so I'm a little at a loss. how can 1 plant have an issue when the plant right next to it that's roots are all tangled together with the weak plant be fine? The watering schedule has not changed since day 1 neither has the light cycle. They usually finish in the 43 to 49 day range and some are starting to ripen quickly so it's not the end of the world with harvest being close, but I am just trying to sort this out so I can avoid it in the future. Maybe the plants just went deficient with the flush? need some nutes? Either way everything started when I started the flush, I have already chnged the water in the res twice already in 6 days. Any suggestions?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
well they are tall they fall over it's not like soil where the roots are firmly set into a havy medium like concrete. Just give em some stakes so that they have something to support em means bigger buds. I don't know what strain your growing but you sure they finish in 6-7 weeks that's rare and they look like they still have a while to go but can't really tell from pics.


Active Member
It appears you didn't prep your plants with enough exercise to get them strong enough for the weight. How often did you shake them and/or leave a fan on them to shake them up while vegging? It's imperative... as you may know. But my plants that acted like that stopped acting like that when I made it a point to shake like crazy when they were vegging and first two weeks in flowering. In the meantime, just tie 'em up to something. Long as the stem's not broken, they'll keep the resin flowin'. Good luck.

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
I've read to flush for 2 weeks these finish super early (just like the sensi description said) hence the flush starting that early. They have had a fan on them from the get go, leaves are always moving. The strain is super skunk and it has amber trichomes at 42 days, and I usually harvest at 45 to 49 days. I usually don't flush at all but decided to give it a go this time. Like I said they usually never have a problem and the stems always hold up fine. This is the first time this has happened out of 5 grows that are identical in every way. This is not just from weight, the stems are rubbery and wont stand up at all they just fall over even when you try and stake them. here are some pics through a magnifying glass one of a bud and one of the rubber stems. I have exhausted every idea. That is a pic of a smaller bud just to show the level of ripeness, almost all pistils have turned amber and most trichs are cloudy, like I said about a week or so as usual, very fast finisher compared to the other ladies I have (all are at least 8wks).


Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
Also the watering schedule has not changed, the RH averages at about 37% lower right before lights out and higher before lights on. ph at 6.0, res temp is 74F. The plants that fall over are showing no signs of distress, stems are nice and green, there are zero bugs, leaves are nice and green, Also they don't move the 2" net cups when they fall, the roots are very secure and are tangled with the plants on either side they actuall bend the stems right over, the order is random also, 8 in each tube and no 2 side by side are falling over, 1 here 1 there very random, very confusing.

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
OK, yesterday in an act of desperation I added some flowering nutes to the tune of 840ppm and this morning there were no new plants lying over. I don't know if this helped as the plants aren't showing any signs of distress.