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  1. learning05

    Quick-Submersible Water Pump. Needed after roots are floating in res?

    For anyone who was curious. From my research around various forums, many suggest it is not needed once the roots develop into the res. It does help with the circulation of nutes but so does a air stone. I currently have 2 air-stones/air pumps and no water pump.
  2. learning05

    Unkown problem whith a plant.

    "Smoking pot gives me energy and makes me more productive. Its a crime against humanity to control this substance. I am not a criminal, im just a nice guy that gets high. The end of prohabition is near. Thank you to everyone that helped." So SO very truee
  3. learning05

    Unkown problem whith a plant.

    What nutrients have you provided them with? Which soil? PH range? Temps? Humidity? I am not a soil grower but hope I can provide some useful insight.
  4. learning05

    Quick-Submersible Water Pump. Needed after roots are floating in res?

    Yes or no? Bump. It is difficult to maintain and clean in my current set up that is why I am trying to go without it.
  5. learning05

    Quick-Submersible Water Pump. Needed after roots are floating in res?

    Hi All, Info: 3 plants in Veg. Unknown Gender/Strain. Growing in rockwool, hydroton rocks, and net pots. I got a general question about whether it is necessary to keep a water pump in a 6-gal res after the roots of 3 plants are already grown and floating in the solution-water? I have removed...
  6. learning05

    Nut Deficiency or burn? Tried self diagnosis but no change

    Thanks for the response. But so far I have lowered the temp by venting cold air in from the outside into the grow-closet using a in-line fan from my window and running ducting into the closet. When I do that I can get the temp around 75 f but the RH drops 10-15% (bc as I understand cold air...
  7. learning05

    Please Help. Weird Bumps?! Is this Mg Deficiency, Heat, Ph, or Humidity problem?

    thanks. I have a 6 gal res so I added a little less then 1/4 of a tsp of mg from the cvs bath salt. Will that be ok? I figure its better to slowly increase the mg content just so I don't over do it. Also having a hard time keeping the heat down and RH up. I have to vent cold air in so that the...
  8. learning05

    Nut Deficiency or burn? Tried self diagnosis but no change

    Sorry to post my issue in this thread. I made one but have gotten no help as yet :(
  9. learning05

    Nut Deficiency or burn? Tried self diagnosis but no change

    Hi, I have tried following the diagnostic chart above but none of my leaves seem to look like that. What could this be? The leaves are starting to look papery and have these weird bump like things under the surface. Any ideas?
  10. learning05

    Please Help. Weird Bumps?! Is this Mg Deficiency, Heat, Ph, or Humidity problem?

    Ok the plant grew a bit but the one on the left is displaying odd growth and the patterns on the leaves look odd as well. They really look like bumps underneath the surface of the plant. Is that natural? Also what could be causing the plant tips to curl downward? Here is a update of the left plant:
  11. learning05

    Please Help. Weird Bumps?! Is this Mg Deficiency, Heat, Ph, or Humidity problem?

    any1? Not sure what to do but the plants looked like they have stopped growing
  12. learning05

    Help 2 weeks in!!!

    Flaming Pie has it right. I agree. It looks like nute burn from those pictures maybe to high of steghten for seedlings but I am no expert. I am doing a hydro grow and am 2.3 weeks in. I need some help with my plants also.
  13. learning05

    Please Help. Weird Bumps?! Is this Mg Deficiency, Heat, Ph, or Humidity problem?

    Hi All, This is my second grow using the same set up. I had decent results with my first grow with Stealth Hydro 6-gal bucket and dual spectrum light kit (harvested to early :sad:). For this grow I upgraded the kit and now I got: - 2 air stones and pumps - 3 Cfls= 1 85w Sunlite Daylight...
  14. learning05

    First Grow Journal SH Dual Spectrum II

    Hey, I am a first time grower with SH dual spectrum kit and SH nutes. I have 3 plants that have been in veg for a month. 1 plant had trouble growing in the beginning but is finally catching up. I want to start the Flowering cycle with a 12/12 also, so I was wondering how your plan to introduce...
  15. learning05

    Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

    So glad I found this thread. Amazingly done by Roseman. New to the hyrdoponic/grow world but Roseman's name has come up in almost everything I have read. simply put roseman is Brilliant. I have a Stealthhyrdo Bubbleponic system with the Dual Spectrum Lights growing 3 seedlings right now (1...
  16. learning05

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics. Info Reviews

    Hi, I have started a Stealthhydro bubbleponic grow with the Dual Spectrum lights they sell. I posted a thread but haven't gotten a reply. I really need some advice! Can anyone help?
  17. learning05

    Growing Marijuana 101 - How to Grow Weed Indoors

    Hi I am a new grower and have a few questions about PH and etc. I have the same Milwaukee PH600 pen but every time I place it in my reservoir the reading fluctuates. I have been trying to keep the PH around 6.5 but it keeps raising by itself. Any suggestions? Am I using it wrong?
  18. learning05

    First Time Grow with PICS. Stealthhydro Kit. Advice Plz!

    Hi All. New to the site and to growing. I have done a large sum of research and reading prior to starting my grow. I am growing using bubbleponic way. I would appreciate the guidance and advice of any experienced growers. I have 2 seeldings that are 1 week old and 1 seedling that is...